Chapter 10

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Chapter 10-

We left St Mungos the next morning to go back to The Burrow, which I was rather glad about.

My time with Angelina was limited in the hospital; she couldn't stay with me all day, could she?

Well, she could easily stay with me all day but her family says the world still isn't safe; they think there are still Death Eaters lurking around. Ha, yeah right. You're not going to catch a Death Eater in St Mungos any time soon, are you?

Anyway, I'm acting like we're going out with eachother. And before you ask, we're not. Not yet, anyway.

Ah, who am I kidding? I'm getting my hopes up for something which is clearly just a fantasy.


"George, let me carry that for you..." said Mum, attempting to grab my jacket off me. She was under the impression that my injuries were so bad that I couldn't even carry a jacket.

A jacket. Honestly.

"No, Mum! I am quite capable of carrying a jacket by myself, thank you."
I sighed, looking at Angelina and rolling my eyes, making her laugh.

We all walked outside of the hospital, the smell of summer wafting towards my nose.

"Mum, are we flying by car?" asked Ron loudly, not realising that we were now in Muggle territory.

St Mungos is a hospital hidden in the Muggle world; from the outside it looks like an old shop but from the inside, it's completely different.

"Ronald! There are Muggles around! Muggles aren't usually accustomed to hearing conversations about going home in a flying car!" snapped Hermione, but the ends of her mouth twitched into a chuckle.

Ron looked at her and they both started laughing whilst he kissed her on the head.

And in front of them stood Ginny and Harry, their fingers entwined, holding hands.

My younger brother and sister have a better love life than me.

I carried on walking behind them, my head bent forwards as I looked down at my large feet.

Why couldn't that be me and Angelina, holding eachother's hands and kissing eachother?

Why does everything have to go wrong with me?


"Right, on three. One... Two... Thr-"
ordered Mum, who was soon interrupted by Ron who let out a piercing screech.

"Get it off me! Quick!" he squealed, pointing at a small spider scuttling across his arm.

"Oh, Ron! Honestly! Stupefy." cried Mum, pointing her wand at the spider on his arm. "If a muggle sees me perform magic, it would be all your fault!"

"You could have just flicked it off..."

"Says you! It's a spider, Ron. It is not going to kill you is it? Anyway, on the count of three we will Side-Along apparate. We shouldn't be spotted, because we're in this alleyway. One... Two... Three!"

A peculiar sensation rushed through me, my head spinning, my body feeling limp and floppy.

Fortunately, in a matter of seconds we were back in our kitchen, but landed with a tremendous thump.

"Whew. I hate apparating!" sighed Dad, getting to his feet and helping Mum up to hers too. "Well, at least it only lasts for a few seconds."

"So do I, dear. What's the time? I thought we could all have a little walk before dinner. Especially you, George. You look a bit peaky." said Mum, smiling at me.

But I wasn't paying attention to them... I was more interested in the strange sensation I was feeling in my stomach.

I couldn't smell the flowery fragrance I could usually smell...

I couldn't feel those irritant butterflies I could usually feel swirling around in my stomach...

I couldn't see her anywhere.

Angelina was gone.

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