We can't let him win

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That dude is Luke. If you know the guys name lmk cause I searched forever and couldn't find it.


Riding in the car, it's eerily quiet. Both of us lost of us lost in our own thoughts.

Soon enough my thoughts consume me and sobs escape, capturing Myles' attention.

"I'm so sorry," I cried as my body shook with sobs. I keep my head down and my eyes away from Myles, not wanting him to see how broken I am.

The next thing I know I feel the car pulling to the side of the road. I try to sneak a look at Myles but before I could I felt myself being lifted out of my seat.

Myles sets me and his lap, my legs straddling his waist, his hand pushing my face into the crook of his neck. My cried fill the silent car as hot tears fall down my face and onto Myles' neck.

"It's already so hard. Hard to pretend I'm okay when I'm not. And now someone wants to make it even harder on me, on us, by questioning the legitimization of my baby's father," I said as my sobs continued.

"Why do people think it's okay to worm their way into other people's business?" I asked him, pulling my head out of his neck and looking him in the eyes through my tears.

"I don't know baby..." he said choking on his own sniffles.

He wiped the tears under my eyes with the pad of his thumbs, "But no matter what other people say, or think about you, me, or our little baby, we know the truth. We can't let them get to us. We can't let them win . . . we can't let him win."

Waking up with puffy, sore eyes is not a good feeling. I gently rub the sleep away and stretch my sore limbs. Making cracking sounds with my joints.

I replay last night's events in my head, remembering that Myles is sleeping in the other room on the couch.

I grab my phone off the night stand by my bed, noticing a new text.

How did you like my interview? -L

I found it rather pathetic actually -H

My blood booked at the nerve Luke had to message me after what he did.

Well I personally found it quite humorous -L
How'd lover boy take it? -L

You didn't change a thing -H
He knows it's not possible to be yours -H

Not giving him a chance to reply I quickly blocked him. I don't need him or his negativity.

Speaking of negtivity...

While going through my phone I notice the large number of people tagging me in different posts. Almost of them dragging me down. Calling me different names. Slut, gold digger, et cetera.

It's expected. It hurts.

But no matter what other people say, or think about you, me, or our little baby, we know the truth.

Myles' words echo in my mind. Gently scolding me for listening the the hurtful words.

I know the truth. For now that needs to be enough.

Slowly I crawl out of my warm bed, my feet jolt at the coldness of the wooden floor.

As quietly as possible I make my way into the kitchen.

To thank Myles for staying with me I decide to make him breakfast.

Reaching into the small pantry I grab the pancakes mix and behind to prepare. As I'm flipping the pancakes, light snores come from the living toom. I lift my head, an instant smile taking over my face as I admire a sleeping Myles.

His lips parted only slightly. One of his messy, brown locks covering his forehead instead of its usually styles quiff.

I quickly turn my attention back to the pancakes before they started to burn.

Not moments before the last pancake had been played, Myles began to stir. His mouth opened widely with a yawn. His eyes were closed as he stretched out his arms.

He hadn't noticed my presence yet.

"You know, you look awfully cute when you sleep," I said startling him.

Once Myles recovered from his shock, a light blush danced on the top of his cheeks. Making him look innocent in a way I know he isn't.

"I made pancakes!" I said as I held the plate of pancakes up for him to see.

His eyes light up and he quickly jogs over the island in the kitchen, sitting on the stool.

Both of us sit down, lathering our pancakes in butter and syrup.

"Coach is gonna kill me for this," Myle said, his voice muffled from the pancakes in his mouth, pointing at his plate.

I look beside me at his shirtless torso, abs clear and prominent.

I gave him a deadpan look, "I think you'll be fine," I said gesturing towards his body.

A small smirk touched his lips, but he remained quiet.

We ate our breakfast in comfortable silence, occasionally catching the others eyes. It seemed almost, normal.


After breakfast we lounge around the apartment. Myles didn't have practice so instead we had a nice movie day. Watching everything from Disney to horror.

I sat up on the couch while he laid down, his head resting on my lap. Halfway through the second movie I realized my hands had been unconsciously running through his hair.

Since he wasn't complaining I decided to continue.

It wasn't long until my eyes began to dropped and sleep started to consume me.

As I was on the edge of sleep I felt a small flutter on my forehead. The feeling of Myles' lips. His arms wrapped around me.

Then I slept.

I know it's been a long while. But update will be more frequently now that high school softball is over.

Remember to send me covers or any aesthetic you make to my Gmail which is in my Wattpad bio. Follow my insta for updates (also in my bio) and if you want you can follow my personal account. tay_.marler I'll let you follow be as long as you don't look like a major creeper.

- Taylor

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