She doesn't even know it yet

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Look at this hottie 😍🤤


I waited outside Harper's door. A bouquet of white roses clutched inside my sweaty palm. I turned around and took a deepbreath. Right before I turned back around I heard the door open.

I spun back around on my heel, "Hey Har-"

My jaw went slack, my lips parting only slightly, though I quickly recovered.

She looked stunning.

The maroon dress was tight around the bust. Making those perfectly sculpted breasts look even more delicious.

One of her perfectly toned, tan legs was showcased through the slit.

You could see her small nine week bump from the tightness, but she wore it proud

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

You could see her small nine week bump from the tightness, but she wore it proud.

"You look amazing," I said in an almost whisper.

A light blush worked its way on her cheeks, making her look even more adorable than she already is.

"You look great too," she said sheepishly. My smile grew even wider. I suddenly remembered the roses that had been forgotten by my side.

"Here," I said giving her the flowers, "I got these for you." I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks, but I did everything I could to suppress it.

After she put them in a vase inside I offered her my arm, which she excepted gratefully. We walked out to my car with our arms tangled together.

When we reached the car I opened the door for her to get in.

The ride there was spent in comfortable silence with the light hum of the radio. I listened to the engine of my car roar, and it got me deep in my thoughts.

I have less than seven months until this baby gets here. My Corvette only seats two, and we can't just use one car.

I should really get a new car.

I need to buy a house too. A big one that could fit our baby that's coming soon and all the other ones I plan on having with Haper. I smirk at the thought. She's gonna be my girlfriend, my wife, and my permanent baby mama and she doesn't even know it yet.

But it will happen.

I may not be very experienced with women, but I don't think that it could get much better than Harper, and I intend on keeping her by my side. Always.

When we arrive at the event I pull up right in the front, giving my keys to the valet driver.

I go around to Harper's side and open the door for her, extending my hand for her to take.

As soon as her foot makes contact with the ground, cameras could be heard in every direction. We knew this would happen, but we both agreed that this would be a good opportunity to let people know of our situation, when it would inevitably come out eventually.

All At OnceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ