Easy man, I was just being polite

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Song ^ or >
Austin North as Jake Jackson


The vitamins tasted sweet on my tongue. A good mix of fruit and honey. After savouring the taste I turn to gather my equipment before Myles shows up.

My phone starts to ring, I pull it out thinking it's him. Though when I look at the caller I.D. I see that it's Luke. I quickly deny the call, and while I'm at it I black him as well.

I gather my lights, lenses and cameras that are needed for the photoshoot today. We thought it would be best to take the pictures now while we still have two months before games start.

I hear a knock on my door and I rush to open it. Once I do I see Myles showcasng his charming smile and perfectly straight teeth.

"Do you think you could help me pack everything to your car?" I ask, already knowing he would.

"No I'm just going to let your pregnant self waddle down the stairs with tons of equipment so you can risk falling," he deadpans.

I chuckle, "Thought so."

He rolls his eyes as he goes to pick up most of the boxes. I follow him through the apartment until we are outside, near his beautiful Corvetette. We then place all of the boxes into the trunk.

The ride there was fun and exciting, though with Myles, everything seems to be. We sang, and danced to the radio. Everything ranging from country, to pop.

In what felt like no time at all we arrived at the stadium. Myles helped me carry in all of my equipment while also carrying his own bag.

When we walked into the room where all of the players were, they all turned towards us, noticing the sound of the door opening.

Myles and I walked through the crowd of muscular football players until we got to the area where I was supposed to set up my stuff.

As we sat everything down Myles' friends approached us. They gave him a swift pat on the back and all greeted with 'heys' and 'sups'. Jax leaned and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "Hey Harper."

I was becoming closer to the guys within the time I've been working here, but I didn't know we were this close, so it shocked me.

I looked over to Myles who had both eyebrows raised, with an equally surprised look, but after a moment his eyes narrowed slightly.

Jax laughed at the look on Myles' face. He held both hands up in surrender, "Easy man, I was just being polite."

Myles rolled his eyes and muttered something I couldn't quite hear under his breath.

I let out a small chuckle, then turn to set up my equipment.

"Do you need any help, Harper?" Jax asked, stepping towards me.

"I got it," Myles said stepping even closer. Jax smirked at him, the other letting out guffaws.

Myles met my eyes and gave me a sheepish expression. The guys looked at us with amused faces before letting out a string of whip noises.

Myles groaned and palmed his face, refusing to meet my eyes. I stifled a laugh, which caused his face to go red.

I turned around and started to set up lights, soon after Myles started helping as well.

I smiled at him, he gave me a small smile back shaking his head whilst his body convulsed with silent laughter.

Once everything was set up all of the football players went to the back room to change and prepare for the photoshoot.

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