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Sucker- Jonas Brothers

4:31 P.M.
[Los Angeles, California]
A week later

I put all of my finished drawings in a folder and pick up my phone, tapping on Billie's contact. Billie and I have been texting a lot. By now, I don't think I can deny my feelings for her, but I sure as hell can try.

Kris🤤💞: hey bils

Mamas😉💕: hey kitty

Kris🤤💞: kitty?
Kris🤤💞: that's new

Mamas😉💕: krissy*
Mamas😉💕: autocorrect sucks
Mamas😉💕: but it's cute. Imma call you kitty now

Kitty🐱: lmao okay then
Kitty🐱: aaahh I got sidetracked
Kitty🐱: i got news

Mamas😉💕: continue...

Kitty🐱: the art for the animations are done!

Mamas😉💕: NO WAY

Kitty🐱: YES WAY

Mamas😉💕: come over
Mamas😉💕: right now if you can

Kitty🐱: ok omw

I hop up from my bed and grab my folder, keys, phone, and dart out to my car. I drive to Billie's house and hop out, rushing to the front door.

I knock on the door and I hear frantic footsteps coming to the door. Billie swings the door open and smiles, looking at the folder. I notice a guy with pink and green hair walk up behind her.

"Is that them?" She asks, pointing to the folder. The guy behind her looks mildly confused.

"No. I left them at home." I say.

"What? You can't tell me they're done and then not bring them!" She says, irritated.

"Chill out, it was a joke! These are them." I chuckle.

Her face brightens and she snatches them aggressively from my hand.

"Dude, be careful! I worked hard on that!" I say as she laughs and runs to her room.

"Seriously?" I roll my eyes and run after her. The pink-green haired guy laughs as I pass him. "Dude, don't damage anything. If you like them, I still have to scan them into a software and animate them."

{A/N, idk if this is how this works, just go with it}

"Okay, okay, I won't, chill." She says as the guy, once again, follows Billie into her room. "Oh, Krissy, this is my boyfriend, Q. Or 7. Or Brandon." She states.

My heart drops.


I knew she was straight, so why am I so surprised?

Just push your feelings away. You know how to do that, right?

"It's nice to meet you!" I say happily, reaching my hand out to shake his. Q nods his head as a reply and shakes my hand. He looks over at Bil, who's gawking at the drawings. He moves slightly so he's looking over her shoulder.

"Yo what is that?" He asks, snatching them out of her hands.

"What is it with you people and snatching very ripable things out of other peoples hands?" I ask exasperatedly. I reach up to grab it, but he holds it above his head. I try to jump for it but I'm still too short, seeing as he's tall, and I'm not.

I sigh exasperatedly as I give up. I look at Bil and she has a smirk on her face. Oh, how I could kiss that smirk right off her face.

Ew, that was weird, Krissy.

"Who drew these?" He asks, gawking at the drawings.

"Me." I say quietly.

"You're so talented, the fuck?" He laughs.

I suddenly snatch them from his hands, since he was now holding them where I could reach them. I huff and turn to Billie, handing her the drawings again.

"So what do you think about them?" I ask.

She flips through the drawings before speaking. "I love them. You did great." She says, smiling up at me. She looks back down and flips to the one labeled with "GOOD GIRLS" and flips it open. There are two girls that look somewhat like Billie. They are roughly sketched, with blue watercolor looking hair. One has a gold halo over its head, and one has black devil horns. "I think this one is my favorite." She states.

"I'm planning on the hair moving like water and the horns and halo bopping up and down slowly in the animation. What do you think?" I explain.

"That's dope." She says simply.

We talk a little more about how the drawing will be animated and Maggie invites me to stay for dinner. I gladly accept. Billie, Q, and I walk out once Maggie calls us down.

I walk in first and see Finneas walking in from the backyard. I smile at him as he opens his arms for a hug. I gladly receive it. 

"I see you met 7." Finneas states. Immediately my mood drops.

"Y-Yeah, I have." I trail off.

"You okay?" Finn asks, noticing my fleeting mood.

"Yeah. I think I just need to go home." I say, picking up my bag and slipping my shoes on.

"Wait, what? Krissy what's wrong?" He says as I walk towards the door.

"Nothing, Okay?" I snap.

"What's going on here?" I hear Billie's voice behind me as I open the door. "Krissy, where are you going? Finneas what did you do?" Billie half shouts.

"I didn't d-"


I slam the door shut and get in my car. As soon as I turn on the engine, I break down.

Why the fuck am I so emotional? She's just a girl. Who's straight. Why did I fall for her? I knew this was going to happen.

I bang on the steering wheel with the heel of my palm. I wipe my tears right before the house door opens, showing Billie walking out. I immediately start backing out of the driveway, driving home before anymore drama can happen.

I'll just finish this animation job and never talk to her again. That way, she won't be able to break my heart.

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