Chapter 14: The Significance of Driving

Start from the beginning

Just as I'm about to change my mind about the effort part I see Harry's fluffy hair peek out from the front door. He's looking down but once he closes the door he turns around and gives me a small wave with a smile, which I don't return.

He walks to my car and struggles with the passenger door for a moment before I realize that it's still locked. After I press the button, unlocking the car the door flies open and he slides into the seat next to mine.

"Good morning," he smiles at me again, appearing far too excited. Just because my body wakes me up so early in the morning doesn't mean that I'm a 'morning person'.

"It's your fault if we're late," I say coldly, turning my head back to the front window. I start the car and back out of the driveway, quickly zooming down the streets.

"Well, aren't you just a joy in the morning," Harry says quietly, leaning back in the seat.

I drive through town quickly because I know if we don't get to campus soon we'll miss the whole point of doing this. Luckily I still have my dad's parking pass from last night, which I'm sure he's pissed about, so I can park close to the building, cutting the travel time down a bit.

When I pull into a spot and look at the clock, there's only a few minutes to spare. I rush out of the car and Harry follows, sensing my urgency as we walk through the front doors of the building that we were so desperate to get out of last night.

I'm giddy with excitement now. I know it's probably not a good sign for how thrilled I am to fuck things up for my mom. It has to be a sign of some sort of further mental issues, but I don't care because I'm still angry with her from a few days ago.

When we walk into the classroom instead of it being silent and dark like last night, it's filled with people and there is a hushed roar of everyone talking. I'm slightly surprised by how filled it is because I can't imagine what my mom is talking about to be that important, but nonetheless she's drawn a crowd. Harry and I find seats in the very back by the door next to an elderly couple.

I push down the cushioned seat before sitting and Harry plops down next to me. I look to the bottom of the classroom and see my mom talking to a kid around my age, who probably goes to school here, about the computer. I'm guessing he's trying to explain how everything works to her so the presentation goes smoothly. I'm glad to see that they haven't brought the screen down yet because that means she'll get to it when she's in the middle of talking.

I feel Harry elbow me. At first I think he's done it by accident until I feel his elbow press into the side of my arm again, making a sizzling noise with his mouth as he tries to get my attention. I slowly turn my head toward him and notice how he's slouched deeply in the chair next to mine. His legs are spread wide invading the space that is meant for my feet and his head is slouched back, resting on the top of the chair.

"What?" I glare at him, somewhat irritated with his persistent elbowing.

"Did you bring any snacks?" he pouts, still sprawled out in the chair. His lip quivers a little playing up the whole 'I'm a child' thing.

"No," I shake my head at him, trying to understand why he would even ask me that. "Do I look like your mother?"

He smiles at me, yet again amused by my short temper and rude comments. "Ugh," he sighs before sitting up in the chair, leaning over the armrest between us, giving me absolutely no space. "But I'm so hungry."

"Well you should have eaten breakfast," I say calmly, his face is close to mine. I stare forward, watching my mom walk around but it feels like Harry is burning a hole into the side of my head with his gaze.

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