Part 34

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(Sofia's POV)

Two years later

A loud cry made me get out of bed, making me groan softly. It's the second time this night, he woke me up. With a blanket wrapped around my body I made my way towards Peter's room. I opened the door and heard some whispers. 'Shhh Peter please be quiet. I don't want Mommy to be awake. Good boy, go to sleep. Oh she is awake.' They turned around and greeted me with a big smile. 'Sorry for waking you up,' he mumbled against my hair. I shook my head and took our little son who is now two months old, we headed towards our room and we just spend the night with him.
Since he was born he was kinda loud at night, making us very tired.
Peter is very lovely, adorable but at times he can get annoying especially when he has to bath. After the birth of Eleanor, our relationship went well, we had our disagreements but that was the past. But since we had Peter everything was so great, we found ourselves and I couldn't wish for more.


'Mommy wake up, Daddy wake up.' I fluttered my eyes open and saw my precious daughter jumping on our bed even though she was still so little. Shawn shifted next to me so he could protect our precious little baby boy. 'Eleanor be careful Peter lays here too,' I mumbled while my arms grasped her so she could lay next to me. 'Oh sorry mommy.' Her head was on my shoulder while her whole body was angled towards Peter. 'Mommy, can we make waffles? Or pancakes?' I nodded and got my lazy ass out of bed. Together with my little girl I went downstairs and made some breakfast. Around 9:30 Shawn woke up because Peter started to cry and in no time he was downstairs. 'I will help Eleanor, can you feed Peter? I think he wants some boobs.' I smacked his chest and grabbed my precious baby boy out of his pervert arms. 'Mommy, you look really pretty.' She left Shawn in the kitchen and just sat with me so she could watch Peter. As a parent, I was scared that Eleanor wouldn't like Peter but when he was born she showed us that she really wanted to be a big sister. Some people said that we were too young to have two children but we proved them wrong.
We never felt so complete, after everything we've been through we felt happy. Karen and Manuel are always by our side whenever we need to have some alone time, and even when we just want to hangout with them. I couldn't ask for more, you know. Shawn, Peter and Eleanor are my happiness.


Shawn tucked Eleanor in bed and I laid Peter in his crib. Today has been perfect, they are angels. Aaliyah came over and played with Eleanor for the most of the evening, and Peter was laying in my arms playing with my hair. My husband had to work but came home earlier because he missed us. I shuffled out of Peter's room and met downstairs. The wole room was lit up in candles, rose petals were laying all around the floor and my gorgeous, precious husband stood in front of the couch. 'Come here, I have a surprise.' We took a seat, he shuffled some but slowly pulled my favourite ice cream out of a sack and also a letter.

" My Dear Sofia,

You have given me everything I wanted in life. You gave me my freedom back, you gave me a gorgeous wife (which is you btw), you gave a daughter and now you have given me a son. But the most important thing you have given me is your love, without that I would be lost.
There isn't a day when I think that I would leave you, or a day when I think I deserve better. I love you, I love you so much when you get up at midnight just to make sure our babies are alright. I love you when you roll over me just to make sure I'm still there. I will always love you, even if we fall out of love. You're my life, my son, my air.

Yours Truly,

Shawn Xxx"

Some tears were wiped from my cheeks by him, but quickly were replaced by his kisses. For the rest of the night we laid downstairs, enjoying each other's company.



I promise that there will be another fanfiction.

Xxxx Sarah

In love with a prisoner (ft. Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now