Part 10

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(Shawn's POV)

I kissed her. I finally kissed her after these horrible years. But the most important thing is that she kissed me back, I first thought that this was all a dream.

That I would wake up and remember that this never happened, but it did. I got out of my bed, waiting for an officer to come and get me. Normally I would sit here and be bored but now I can read.

Not that I'm doing it, I don't have the motivation to start or to continue. Sofia could do that, she was the one who could read a 200- pages book in a day. That's something I admired about her, she wasn't one of those girls who hanged around with boys just to be popular.

She didn't want to be in the spotlight, she was more the girl who you see in a coffee shop, studying or reading a book.

He never had the right to be her, he was the popular football guy and she was just the most amazing girl in school. But now after I kissed her, I realized that she loves me too.

There were times when I wanted to confess my feelings to her but I was just afraid.


Her cold body was wrapped in my sheets, waiting for me to come too. We actually had to make our homework but instead I convinced her to watch a movie with me.

It was winter so the temperature is really low, Christmas was also coming so we were in the perfect mood to watch amazing films.

I opened my door and saw her scrolling on my phone, probably Instagram or Twitter. When I crawled under my sheets, she laid my phone on my lap. 'I heard about your breakup with Lauren. I'm sorry,'

she whispered while rolling over so she could look at me. 'It is okay, I just didn't felt it anymore.
She is better without me,' I took her in my arms and let her head rest on my shoulder. 'Don't say that. You are probably the best boyfriend anyone can get. Sometimes I wish I was more like you, that I just could say that my feelings are gone.'

I knew she was talking about her boyfriend, because she didn't want to look at me. She knows how I think about her situation. 'You can say it to him,' I mumbled while I started the movie. She shook her head and tightened her grip around me. 'Are you cold?,' I asked while I could feel her trilling.

'Only a little bit,' she laughed, I went immediately in action and placed her between my legs hugging her. 'Is this better?,' I whispered in her ear, leaving a little kiss right under it.

She nodded and laid back on my chest. At moments like this, I want her to be mine. 'Shawn, I wish we could stay here forever,' she mumbled softly before she fell asleep in my arms.

~end flashback~

My cell opened and an officer took me with him to the cafeteria. He opened the door and the smell of food streamed into my nose. Prisoners were sitting in their usual spot, many were running around and trying to piss someone off.

I walked to the counter and took my food, I normally don't sit here but I couldn't go back to my cell. There was one free table, against a wall. I shuffled though the crowd and took a seat all alone.

I started to eat but stopped when I felt that someone was here too. I looked up and saw the scariest person in this prison. 'Good morning, Mendes, who is that hot chick that visits you?,' he smirked at me. Anger was raising up in my body, the way he smirked at me while thinking about her.

'Are you getting angry, book boy?, did I say something wrong about your little girl?' I got up and started to walk away until I heard the worst words coming out of his mouth.

'Hey, can you tell your little whore that she can visit me, I bet that she's good with her little slutty mouth.' I turned around and saw that same smirk on his awful face. I stormed over to him but an officer stopped when I was really close to him.

'Shawn, calm down. Remember you can leave in six months,' he whispered in my ear, slowly pushing me away. I nodded and walked back to my cell, trying to control my anger because right now I wanna smash the shit out of him.

In love with a prisoner (ft. Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now