Part 19

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(Shawn's POV)

Her hands were busy shampooing my hair with her favourite shampoo. A little frown on her face made me smile, causing her to stop. 'Why are you smiling so much?,'

I pulled her closer to my chest and started to shampoo her hair, 'because you are so goddamn gorgeous when you try to concentrate.' A little chuckle escaped her lips when I places a kiss on her forehead, 'I am not done with your hair,' she pouted before getting back to work.

Her fingers were stroking my curls very softly, making it difficult to let her stop.
After the shower, we quickly putted some comfortable, warm clothes on and walked to George's Dinner. Her tiny figure was walking in front of me, playing in the snow like how she always does.

But out of nowhere she slipped and her body just fell on the ground. I rushed over to her and saw that her eyes were closed. 'Sofia, Sofia,' panic overmastered my body. My hands were shaking and my heart was beating like crazy.


I tried to wake her up but there was no response. I dialed the emergency phone and in no time an ambulance drove us to the hospital. 'What happened to her?,' I told the story and let them take her to a room.

I had to stay in the waiting room. I took my phone and started to call her parents, 'hi uhm Sofia slipped and we are now in the hospital,' her dad immediately hung up and rushed over to us. My parents were here in ten minutes, we were waiting together for the doctor.

An half hour later, he finally came and brought us to her room. 'It was a hard fall but at the moment everything is okay. She is going to forget some things, so if she forgets something important don't panic that will make her only forget more.'

He left again and we all took a seat next to bed waiting for her to wake up. After a while her eyes fluttered open and her gorgeous eyes lighted the whole room. 'Sh-,' she tried to say but suddenly she stopped. 'Shawn, Shawn,'

she whispered quietly causing everyone to look at her. I took a seat on her bed and placed my hand in her hair. 'Hi, how are you feeling?,' confused she looked around the room, 'why am I in a hospital room?'

Her dad sat next to me and squeezed her leg a little bit. 'You slipped on ice and hit your head pretty hard,' a little chuckle escaped from her lips and slowly she sat back up. 'Okay, why do I get to leave because I'm hungry,'

everyone in the room had to laugh at her comment, 'what did I say something funny?,' I wrapped my arms around her and placed a million kisses on her face. 'I thought that you would forget me,' I admitted, 'how can I forget the one person I love with my whole heart?,'

my heart literally exploded that moment. All I could do was hold her close to me and promise to myself that I will always protect her.

In love with a prisoner (ft. Shawn Mendes)Where stories live. Discover now