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(—the end is near)

MAEV WAS WALKING back to the hut, her basket full of fresh vegetables when she saw them

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MAEV WAS WALKING back to the hut, her basket full of fresh vegetables when she saw them. Her stomach churned uneasily as she dropped the basket, rushing towards where James stood, her love looking down at a case with a look of resignation.

"Where's the fight?" James asked, looking up at T'Challa.

"It's on its way." The king replied, sliding his gaze from the super soldier to the witch that came to a stop next to him, "And we need everyone we can get."

Maev stared down at the vibranium arm in the casket, her jaw clenching, "What fight?"

"Someone is coming to steal the stone in Vision's head," T'Challa explained, watching with wariness at the witch's back straightening with anger.

"And I suppose this fight isn't something you can leave us out of?" Maev knew she was being selfish, she knew it wasn't fair of her to snap at the king who'd given them shelter, but she was done with fighting wars and she was done with James being coerced into fights he didn't need to be a part of.

Maev finally lifted her gaze from the arm to T'Challa and the king nearly flinched at the dead look in her eyes, "I'm afraid that's not possible." He hesitated before continuing, "in fact, I have a message for you, from a black cat with red eyes."

"Alistar came to you?" Maev asked in disbelief.

T'Challa nodded slightly, "He said to tell you to stop playing human, that you need to use what you were born with or else," he paused, "or else you and your Ranju may not survive."

"What else did he say?"

T'Challa sighed, "That the end was coming."

"The end of what?" James interrupted them, his eyebrows furrowed.

"The end of the world."

Maev closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and preparing herself, "Well, I guess if it's the end then we might as well chip in."

"Thank you," the king said, relief clear in his voice. He turned to leave and glanced over his shoulder at them, "If there was any way I could've kept you two out of this—"

Maev smiled slightly at his honesty, "It's alright." she said, and she meant it.

Before they knew it, the two were being led to a plane, their hands intertwined as they fought to keep their emotions in check. James rubbed the back of Maev's hand with his thumb, twisting his new arm as he got used to the weight once more. They sat in silence, shoulder to shoulder, seeking the comfort of the other's presence. Eventually, Maev's head found its way to James's shoulder, his human arm around her shoulder, his metal hand whirring and clicking quietly as he clenched and unclenched his vibranium fingers.

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