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(—three hundred and one)

(—three hundred and one)

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The princess startled when the witch appeared

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The princess startled when the witch appeared. Months had passed and not once had the witch come to visit. But there she was, looking worse for the wear. She'd lost weight and looked... tired, drained, but where there once was the weight of the world on her shoulders... that was gone. So she may be tired but she was free from her bonds.

The witch ate the food given to her and offered short answers to the princess's inquiring questions. A little bit of color returned to her cheeks and only then did she finally ask the question gnawing at the back of her head.

"How much longer?"

The princess paused, not wishing to crush any hopes she had, but also not wanting to give her a false answer. "A few more months at the most," she finally answered, "I want to get this right, I want to make sure everything is perfect."

The witch nodded, a faraway look in her eyes.

"You know, you're always welcome to stay here. Now that my brother is king and the world is learning more about Wakanda, you don't even need to hide."

"I—" she cleared her throat as the words got stuck in her throat, "thank you for the offer but it would be... difficult to be so close and not..." She was unable to finish her sentence and instead tightened her grip on the mug clasped in her hands.

"That's alright," the princess said, "but just know, if you ever do need it, there will be a room here for you."

For the first time in months, the witch felt warmth bloom in her chest, "Thank you."

They sat in silence, the witch finishing her meal and the princess explaining everything she'd done so far. The witch found comfort in the teenager's words, even if she didn't quite understand half of the scientific terms she was using.

Before she left, the witch wandered deep into the lab, pausing outside a door and peering inside at the large tank that rested inside.

Soon. She promised herself. I'll be back soon, even if you remain asleep.

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