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the awakening of Maev Barebone

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the awakening of Maev Barebone

MAEV WATCHED JAMES through half-lidded eyes as he examined every nook and cranny in the questionable motel room. After driving for nearly fifteen hours straight, the witch had finally convinced Steve to stop at a motel in the middle of nowhere promising that she'd be able to get them in and out unseen. 

It hadn't taken much effort on her part, she'd just gone to the little check-in station that was separate from the motel itself, tweaked a few things about her appearance, and got two rooms while acting exhausted from so-and-so's drama and the fight that had ensued on the drive here. The employee, a permanently tired looking man who quite possibly had been high, just shoved the keys at her and told her to return them in the box attached to the station at the side when they left.  

Maev was currently sprawled out on one of the two twin beds in the room. James had insisted on taking the one closest to the window, deeming it safer for her to be further away from the window in case of an attack. Maev had contemplated reminding him that she could easily survive any wound received from mortal weapons, but it was sweet and helped calm his nerves, so she'd readily agreed before laying down.

After James was satisfied that there were no immediate threats he gingerly sat down on his bed, staring down at his hands. Maev glanced over at him and noticed the carefully blank expression he wore. 

"You know you're always welcome to ask me things, right?"

He slowly moved his gaze from his hands to her face, "I just—"

Maev waited patiently for him to gather his thoughts, pushing herself up so she was in a seated position. She leaned back against the headboard, crossing her legs. 

"When we work on my memories," he finally said, "you see them too. So you know... you know plenty about me." He hesitated but continued after a moment, "I was wondering if it's possible for it to go the other way," he gestured with his hands at the space between, "for me to, ya know, if you'd be willing..." 

"You'd like to see some of my memories?" Maev finally supplied him with the question he'd been trying to ask.

James nodded jerkily, "If that's okay."

Maev smiled softly, "Of course. Anything in particular you'd like to see?"

He shrugged one shoulder, "Anything you're willing to share."

Maev moved over to the edge of the bed, laying down and patting the empty space next to her. James got up and carefully laid down, a sliver of space between them. Maev stared at the ceiling for a moment, considering all the things she could show James. She'd seen many of his memories, seen the high points, seen the low points, seen how utterly unfair the world had been to him. It was only fair she do the same back.

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