"I was forced to take a career change...my team was part of that change. But they are the best dancers I know, and our rocking my old town with their dance moves!"

Lady Wifi smirked, "So, who's the best dancer out of all of them? Feather-Eye, TurtleBack, Buzz, or Volpina?"

I was surprised she knew all their names, "You've certainly done your research. But all my friends are great, just depends on what. Volpina is amazing at flips, Feather-Eye has the best trend moves, TurtleBack was our strength, and had the best headspins, and Buzz was the most flexible. So, it really depends what you mean," I said, smiling as I thought of my friends.

"Hmm... Anyhow, enjoy yourself. I get you when it's time to dance!" Said Lady Wifi, then she walked away.

When she left, I started heading towards a hanging platform.

The one I was at was very high, so no one was on it. I took out my yoyo and swung it up. It wrapped around a beam, then I was shot up, and gracefully landed on the platform.

I put my yoyo back around my waist.

Suddenly, I heard an odd sound, like some sort of machine. Then, a boy was next to me.

He wore a black shirt with a neon paw print and a black jacket with a hoodie. On the hoody, were two slits where a set of cat ears peeked out. A belt-like tail could be seen. His pants were almost identical to mine but bigger. His tennis shoes were black with neon green accents. I felt like I'd seen him before...

Then, I noticed a black ring on his finger with a neon green paw print.

I knew that ring immediately. It was Plagg's Miraculous! What was Master Fu thinking?

"Hello, Miss. Mind if I join you? You see, this is normally my seat," He said.

"Hello to you too Chat Noir," I said, trying to act calm and together even though my mind was spinning with questions.

He looked surprised, "Have we met?"


"Ahh, you must be one of my adoring fans."

I laughed, "Nope. Haven't even seen you dance."

"Then how?"

"Hey! Time to go," Lady Wifi called up to me.

I gave Chat Noir one last look, "Tell Plagg I say hi."

Then, I wound my yoyo around a rafter letting myself down, then walking off with Lady Wifi.

She led me to the side of a stage, "This is where you'll make your dramatic entrance. Need any help with idea?"

"Nah, I'm good. But thanks," Then I yoyoed to a rafter where I sat, hidden behind a large lamp.

Very soon, I saw Lady Wifi come on stage with a guy. He wore yellow, green, and blue clothing with a mask of similar colors.

"Welcome peeps! I'm your announcer, Lady Wifi!"

"And I'm your DJ, the Bubbler!"

The crowd cheered loudly, then quieted down, "Alright, now, to introduce our reigning champion, CHAT NOIR!" Lady Wifi called out.

Chat Noir ran on stage, blowing kisses. He even winked at one girl, and I saw her crumble to pieces. I rolled my eyes.

"But now, we have a new girl, all the way from the USA! Before we introduce her, though many of you probably know her, let's show you a video of her!" Bubbler said, then ran to the DJ booth.

He hit a button, and suddenly, a video was projected onto a black wall.

It was me. I remembered this performance. It was in New York.

Move to the Rhythm; a miraculous fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now