"Be careful" she whispers softly.

"I will" he assures her. Roswell glances across at Bucky who is slotting his new knife into his boot, she smiles, he's using the knife she gave him and it warms her heart. Steve kisses her head and then heads over to Bucky, they share quiet words and Bucky looks up and across at Roswell, he smiles and nods at her, she smiles back. Steve says something else and Bucky nods before heading towards Roswell. They are closer now. Just as Steve wanted. Both now harboring deep, deep, deep-seated feelings for one another. And whilst she feels exactly the same way for Steve, which is great, she does absolutely adore and treasure that man, she loves him. Unfortunately, she also loves Bucky. And she would never be able to choose, and she would never, ever make them pick either. Being with Steve is everything she could ever want, and she can deal with her feelings for Bucky, they'll go away in time. Bucky envelopes her in a hug, Roswell clutches to the back of his suit as he breathes her in.

"Be careful" she begs of him too. He chuckles a little and pulls back.

"Got my new knife" he teases. "Nothin' is gettin' to me" he taps her chin a little, she rolls her eyes fondly but turns serious. "I'll be fine" Bucky assures her. "I may have been sitting on my ass for a few months but I still know how to do this"

"No, I know" she counters. "I know that....you don't think I still worry about Steve every time he goes? That I don't worry about all of you?" Bucky gives her a small smile. "Of course I worry"

"Let's go, grab your zimmer, old man" Tony teases walking past them and pulling on his helmet. Bucky looks to Roswell who nods and nudges him. He kisses her head before walking away to join Steve who looks thoughtful watching the two of them, Bucky raises an eyebrow at his friend who shakes his head and then smiles. He waves to Roswell before they head onto the jet. Roswell takes a breath. She's lucky she has some work to do otherwise she'd probably sit waiting for them to come back whilst going out of her friggin' mind.


Roswell can't concentrate on her work. She's checked the inventory on this crate five times now. She sighs and sits down heavily on her backside, setting her forehead on the edge of the crate. The Shield guys had been nice enough to bring it through to the Avengers wing so she could be around comforts whilst she works. The door behind her opens and the lifts her head to look. Phil smiles at her and she smiles back warmly.

"Captain Rogers thought you might like some company" Phil states, Roswell looks to him and smiles because Steve thought to seek out Phil knowing that she'd be struggling with being left alone. "Figured you might be feeling this mission" she nods.

"Weird being here alone" she admits standing. "Usually Bucky is stalking around...I never realized how quiet this end of the facility could be till now"

"Then how about we take a walk?" he asks holding out his hand to her, Roswell nods and takes it. "Do you know what they're dealing with?" Phil asks, she shakes her head.

"Steve doesn't talk about it" she admits. "Honestly I don't know whether I want him to" she looks to Phil. "He comes back sometimes and the way he looks at me....like he's scared"

"They're dealing with an Anti-mutant organization" Phil admits. "He probably is scared" he stops and turns to her. "You're a mutant, Roswell, and him seeing people going after other mutants, killing them, hurting people that are just like the woman he loves.....it's close to home for him; for all of them," she hums a little understanding.

"You're going to try and talk me into joining them, aren't you?" she asks him.

"Wanda and Pietro, mutants as they are, aren't like the mutants they're coming across, the twins came into their powers later and it was brought on by experimentation....you gained your powers the way most mutants do, you struggled as they did. They might be more willing to cooperate if they saw one of their own there"

"I just don't think I'm cut out for being...I mean, I like books and research. I don't know if I could go and be....active"

"You've been training" he points out.

"Self defense" she argues, he touches her arms.

"No one's going to make you do it" he promises her. "But if you choose to they will make sure that you are ready before they take you with them" she takes a breath and lets it out before nodding.

"I'll think about it" she whispers. "I honestly thought you and Steve would be against this" she admits. "Putting me in the line of fire, on the battlefield..."

"Captain Rogers has been vocal about it" Phil admits, she smiles a little at the fact Phil still can't call him Steve. "For both sides actually. The team thinks you would be a great asset to them, he agrees as a Captain, but as your boyfriend....he's worried about you, especially with it being an anti-mutant thing going on" she nods a little. "Now enough of all this, let's find something fun to do"

"Maybe you could take me out in Lola?" she asks him, he smiles at her. They share a look.

"As it's you that is asking...." he answers and the walk away together.

Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now