"Koishii, my (Y/N)..." He hushed you, gently pressing his forehead against your own and pecking your nose as he let off a deep chuckle that resonated throughout the tiny dwelling. You were stunned for a moment, and you froze in astonishment. You could only listen as he continued, and all the while you had your hands curled up against each other, close to your heaving chest. 

"You mean more than the world to me," he sighed. "I don't know if I am worthy for you to offer me more than what you can. Whatever you choose, I am at your disposal: I will offer myself to you, for you to have me when you want. I just want you happy, beloved...for your happiness is more to me than my safety, than wealth, than the world."

"Hanzo..." His words pierced your heart, a deep warmth that your soul has not felt in a long time, and you couldn't help the tears that ran down your cheeks as he further showered you with his affections. Your heart beat faster, face burning with a deep blush--it was all mesmerizing, and for a moment you did not know whether you should embrace this rush or shun it altogether.

"You don't have to say anything," he said, removing the thick colorful obi you wore, but keeping the thinner one underneath it firmly in place.. "I just wanted you to know the truth, and we can do this some other time, a special time...when you're finally ready. 

"You are right, it is too soon, and I have acted like a fool, assuming things to try and justify my desires on the price of your peace of mind; I am...truly sorry. We still have a lot to work out on, and I for one still have to reclaim my honor, pay back all that I have done under the name of my clan. But I just want you to be by my side--that alone is enough for me, and I am certain that this time, I will not fail to be better."

"I promise to be there for you even if you have to step back from what you've always known...even when you have to start all over, at the beginning," you whispered, reaching for one of the bigger hands on your face and nuzzling your cheek into the rough skin of his palm. "Hanzo, you may give me what I want, but you also make certain that you offered me what I need. And for that alone, I do not think my heart can ever pick a better partner, a better lover than you.. I want to see you grow and hopefully with"

"You honor me, (Y/N)...but just so you know, you are right on some parts."

This earned him a look of disbelief from your part.

"You truly may never find anyone better than who you are with now: After all--I am never second best."

"Oh my gosh, stop!" You playfully hit him on the meat of his shoulder. "You keep saying that ever since we were children and here I thought you would have grown out of that by now!"  You laughed uncontrollably, and he returned the gesture with a full heart, more than pleased with himse

"We should rest beloved, and lay low while we're at it. We wouldn't want to stir up any suspicions from the other tenants."

"What if they do find us before McCree-san gets back?" you blurted out. "What do we say?"

"I will think of something, but you do not have to worry any further for tonight. Please, you have to regain your vitality once more."

"I will," you promised him. "But...I don't know, it might take me awhile to sleep again. It seems as though my mind will not let me rest that easily after everything that has happened."

"Does something bother you?"

'I...I don't know--that's the thing. I just feel like something is off but I don't know how to pinpoint it even within my self."

"Perhaps you could, uh, watch some television to distract yourself. Hopefully you will fall asleep in half an hour or so."

"You know what, you are absolutely right, let me do just that." You sped to reach for the small remote control and with a clap of your hands, the small flat screen on the wall of the room flickered on, coming to life.

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