Chapter Eighteen: I'm Getting Married

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~Chapter Eighteen: I'm Getting Married~

"Who do you think it could be?" I ask, as we leave the dining hall. While I do not look at Nero directly, I watch his face out of the corner of my eye, curious and also a bit concerned about how he feels about the situation. However, he seems to have his emotions on lockdown, which does not bode well.

He just glances at me before leading us further into the castle, away from the outer walls and windows to avoid any of the entrances. And since no specific entrance was mentioned, which means the guests could be anywhere - or there could be invaders waiting just outside the other entrances - it is probably for the best.

I wait for him to say something, but he continues to walk in silence, so I decide to try again, "I won't know what to expect if you don't give me ideas."

Nero glances at me, his expression softening ever so slightly. "Once we're back in the room, I'll explain," he says, which is good enough for me, I guess.


"Are you in league with the witches?" I ask, warily. While I know Nero would not turn me in, as I am actually starting to trust this soulmate thing, it would not be a surprise if the reason they wanted to hide me away instead of letting me prove myself as a Hellion is because the witches would recognize me for what I am.

Even if it does turn out to be the witches, though, I have no intention of going after them or letting them know I am here. Unless it is just a lone witch – Leander mentioned 'guests,' though, so I doubt it – I would not stand a chance in a fight against them. After last night and a week of sleep troubles, I am nowhere near one hundred percent, especially without breakfast.

Nero gives me a look that questions my intelligence, which puts a halt to my paranoid thoughts. "Even if we had been working with the witches, any deal would have been tossed into the water the moment you became my soulmate. We would not risk your life for a petty alliance in a land-dweller war."

Well, when he puts it like that...

While his answer does not necessarily mean that the guests are not witches - even if the Mer are not dealing with them, that does not mean the witches cannot show up unannounced - it does allow me to relax a little. The last thing I want is to find out they are all on the opposite side of the war, and that they might expect me to join them as Nero's-


My name bounces around my head for a moment, and I blink, stumbling a little in surprise as it brings up memories from last night. Or, more specifically, my dream from last night. Though I cannot remember exactly what had happened in that part of the dream, I do remember hearing that exact same voice and tone in it, and now I am not so certain it was just part of my dream.


"What's wrong?" Nero asks, looking me up and down, as if it will help him pinpoint why I stopped walking. "Are you okay?"

"It's Sidr," I whisper, awed. I know I told Sidr how to find the kingdom in my letter - with Nero's help, since I actually have no idea how to get here, though it was still a bit vague for safety reason - but I was still not even sure if he was alive or not until now.

Nero's brow furrows. "How do you know that?"

I tap my forehead. "Telepathy."

This seems to really catch Nero off guard, as he actually takes a small step back in surprise. Not fright, though. His expression is just of disbelief, not horror. "Can you talk back to him?"

"If I wanted to," I admit, "but not for more than a few words. I'm too tired to have a full conversation, and it uses a lot of magic. Besides, it would be easier to talk to him in person."

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