Original Chapter Thirteen: Demons Aren't Cute

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[Well, you probably know what this warning means. It's a smexy chapter. If you want to skip it, read up to where things start getting heated and then skip to the '- - - - - - -'. Enjoy!]

~Chapter Thirteen: Demons Aren't Cute~

"You look..."

I allow the sentence to trail off when I remind myself that I am supposed to be angry, not admiring his current state of undress. Once I am over my initial surprised at walking into the bedroom to find Nero lying on the bed, wearing only unbuttoned, low-rise jeans, I school my face into a mask of cold indifference. He keeps his expression open, though, letting the curiosity and amusement show.

Realizing that I should not let my sentence go incomplete like that, I clear my throat and finish with, "Comfortable."

"I'd be more comfortable if you joined me," he replies easily, patting the spot next to him on the bed. His light tone and openness makes me suspicious.

There is no way he could have gotten over my escape attempt while it is still a sore point for me. Out of the both of us, he was the angriest while I was the one regretting my actions. I still do regret it, even though I should not. After all, I have a really good reason for wanting to leave. Which is why I spent over an hour riling myself up after he left me handcuffed to the bed a second time. So, why is he acting like nothing happened when he has every right to be angry?

He wants something...

Instead of complying, I start slowly pacing in front of the bed. Unbeknownst to him, I have been waiting for a moment like this since last night so that I can properly get back at him for ruining yesterday's escape attempt. "And what do you intend to do?" I ask, keeping my face as neutral as I can. He chuckles softly, misunderstanding the reason why I asked.

"It's pretty obvious, Atasah-aum," he answers, propping himself up on his elbows to watch me pace. While it was not what I expected him to say, I push forward with the plan I came up with while lying awake in bed, unwilling to sleep in case the nightmares returned. I do have to wonder, though, if my lack of sleep is making me more vindictive than usual.

That hardly matters right now.

Finally allowing myself to smirk, I ask, "Isn't there some kind of law against sleeping with a minor?"

Nero frowns, making my smirk grow into an arrogant smile. "There is, but you are an adult demon, so that law doesn't apply to you," he replies. My smile dies and I squint at him in confusion.

"But your law says I'm a kid, which is the entire reason I am stuck here!"

He nods, "It does. In the eyes of the law, you are a child in need of supervision. However, you are an adult demon, so any law that concerns having sex with minors doesn't apply to you."

"That's contradictory," I exclaim, glaring at him.

"It is, but that's how the law works. After all, if someone were to go topside for a little while and have a fling with a human, they can't exactly wait for the human to reach an age that is physically impossible for them. Any interspecies relationships are allowed, as long as both parties are consenting adults in the eyes of their laws," he explains, but it only adds to my confusion. I stop my pacing to face him completely.

"But you said-"

He cuts me off, "You are still a child, but you weren't considered one when we first slept together, and that law becomes null if we are a bonded pair."

I can practically feel the wheels trying to turn in my head as I process the information. After a moment, I give up, rubbing my forehead in hopes of stopping the headache trying to creep up on me. "You've made your point, but I'm too angry to have sex," I grumble, turning my back on him so that I do not have to see him sprawled out on the bed.

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