Original Chapter Six: What Happens Behind Closed Curtains

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[AN: Ah, the first sexual scene in this story. There are no skip marks this time around, as it pretty much takes up the entire chapter. If you don't want to read it, I recommend sending me a message, as there are some important topics being discussed. Also, this is around the time where the light BDSM tag starts coming into play, so...enjoy~]

~Chapter Six: What Happens Behind Closed Curtains~

I am not surprised when the path we take does not lead back to the room I woke up in, but rather takes us to an entirely different part of the castle. Apparently, I had been staying in the recovery wing, and this is definitely not the recovery wing. If I have to guess, I would say this is the royal wing or something along those lines. The decorations gradually grow more extravagant and the view from the windows is spectacular. It is also colder here, which I did not think was possible.

So, when we enter what I believe to be Nero's chambers, my eyes are immediately drawn to the skylight – or is it an underwater-light? – and all the fish swimming above our heads. The first room appears to be a sitting area and it is oddly modern for a place without good locks. The furniture is all white leather, and there is even a TV on the wall in front of the single couch, though I have no idea what kind of power it runs on down here.

There are curtains pulled over the floor-to-ceiling windows, and while I would love to see the view, I follow Nero into another room instead. When I enter the second room, it only makes sense that my attention would be dragged to the large wall of windows that has a view of the vast ocean floor, well-lit by the magic of the dome around the underwater city. It is because of this that I notice something important.

"Where are the curtains?" I ask, eyeing the great open space beyond the windows and the lack of drapery covering it. Maybe something is pulled down from the ceiling?

Nero follows my gaze to the glass wall, as if only just realizing the lack of curtains. "There are none," he replies, turning to look at me now with unconcealed curiosity.

When Nero sits on the edge of the bed, I walk over to him and straddle his lap, cupping his face in my hands. The kiss we share is soft and sweet, making up for its lack of passion with creativity. He is starting to tease my mouth open when my mind wanders back to the window, forcing me to pull away, albeit reluctantly.

"Can anyone see us through the glass?"

I was hoping they might be made of tinted glass or perhaps cloaked with a concealing magic, but that does not appear to be the case. "Yes," Nero answers, and then pulls me back into the kiss.

However, it only lasts for a few seconds before I pull away again. "Doesn't it bother you?" I ask, eyebrows raised. If anyone could watch me sleep, I doubt I would ever sleep again. It was weird enough waking up to find someone had been watching over me, but to have people able to watch me at any time upsets the soldier in me.

"No," Nero says, sticking with one-word answers.

Since he does not appear to be getting my hints, I decide to lay it out for him. "Well, it bothers me," I inform him, leaning back to avoid being pulled into another kiss. He would likely make me forget my problem with the glass wall if he initiated another kiss. I am usually the one who initiates things with my partners, and it is pretty hot when someone else takes charge.

Nero, thankfully, does not try to kiss me again and instead regards me with a look often reserved for a scientist studying something new and fascinating. After a moment of studying my face, he nods and carefully pushes me off his lap so that I am sitting on the black comforter instead. Suppressing a shiver from the lack of warmth, I watch as he walks over to the windows and presses his open hands against the glass.

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