Chapter 11

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Bai Yu often comes in and kept on waiting for Yilong but the older man just kept his mouth shut.

Until one day, Bi Ming suggested to bring Yilong to go out to the park

"Let's go uncle. I know you needed the fresh air" the younger boy said

Yilong felt like he couldn't trust Bi Ming but he knew he is weak when it comes to Bai Yu's son who uses the same pleasing eyes when he needed something

"Sure" Yilong said and the boy just smiled and soon both of them left the house and Yilong felt the sudden cold air coming in and he shivered.

Bai Yu came over and covered him with a thick white coat and Yilong who was surprised by the sudden contact take a glance at Bai Yu who smiled at him while wrapping a blue scarf

"You need to stay warm or you will get cold" Bai Yu said. He himself covered in a thick black coat along with a grey scarf.

Bi Ming too was wearing a coat with a white scarf and running ahead of them as they walked towards the park nearby the house.

Soon they walked and walked at the park and enjoying the cool air

They passed by a couple who seem to be arguing. To Bai Yu and Yilong they felt like this was them

"I'm sorry baby"

"It's too late. We are over"

The woman walked away leaving the man behind and soon after he running after her

Both Bai Yu and Yilong shook their head. Their eyes met and turned away facing the opposite direction.

Bi Ming saw his uncle and Papa acting this way decided to do something

He pushed Bai Yu and it took Yilong who realised it who grabbed hold of Bai Yu and they both ended up on the floor.

Both heard giggles and voice of Bi Ming "You two are too awkward"and he ran off

Bai Yu became angry while Yilong's face became red. He got up and so did Bai Yu

"I'm sorry ge" Bai Yu apologises "Usually he doesn't act this way"

Yilong just shook his head and said "It's alright. He is still a kid after all"

Then both of them were walking in silence. But Yilong sighed and broke the silence

"There was a good reason why I left Bai Yu and it's a stupid reason"

Bai Yu turned to face his ge and ask "Really? Then tell me ge why did you leave me 12 years ago without a reason"

Yilong knew Bai Yu has the right to get angry at him but he just continued

"I am deeply in love with you and you broke my heart. You are an important person in my life. But that day when you told me you are introducing your girlfriend that's when it began"

Bai Yu just listen  still walking side by side with Yilong's steady stride

"I was afraid what the society will think of me what you will think of me. So when you told me you are getting married I've made a decision, I will leave you to live a life on your own with your family" he continued

Bai Yu felt angry

"Then that's selfish ge"

Yilong just laugh and said "Yes it's selfish. But I did it for you. You matured more over the years Bai Yu. I thought as long as you are happy I will stay happy. Thus I left to Germany and made my life there"

Bai Yu became speechless. But then he laughed "You are wrong. I lived with guilt over the past 12 years, tried so many sources to find you but couldn't get any trace like you disappeared from the face of the earth. Me and Guan Jin argued every single day . The day she passed away I was in the other room while Bi Ming was by her deathbed. She made her promise to find you. To get my happiness. She knows ge, she knows"

By then both men was silent again. All the past guilt now now out in the open.

Then Yilong said in a small voice "I'm sorry Bai Yu"

Bai Yu look at his ge and just with a hard smile upon his face, hiding the pain answered "It's too late now ge. I will buy you a ticket for you to go back to Germany"

He went ahead and caught Bi Ming and said "Let's go home son"

Bi Ming felt his Papa's tone of voice changed.

He felt something happen again between the two adults.

He just followed his Papa home and Yilong following them

Yilong felt guilty to leave. He thought of a way to have a reason to stay but there were none.

"I'm such an idiot" he mumbled as he sat in bed that night

Regret. Guilt.

Those were the two things that are making he feel his heart to heavy to leave now

That night, he laid in bed thinking of the conversation he had earlier at the park with Bai Yu.

Was it too quick for him to leave?

He thought and he couldn't help but shed a tear

"What do I do?"

What will happen next? Stay tuned

AN: hi so here was another chapter. Sorry if its short. I'm not in a good mood right now. I hope my readers like it. Well bye for now

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