Chapter 10

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Bai Yu saw his wife smiling at him and touching his face without a word.

He tried to reach our to her but then another figure appeared and it was none other than Yilong

"Long ge?" Bai Yu called and he felt his heart beating faster.

That night he slept peacefully dreaming of Yilong without knowing what lies ahead in the near future.

Soon after Yilong stayed at Bai Yu's house for about almost a month which then turn into two then he decided to tell Bai Yu the truth

I have to tell him. It's about time I leave. I've overstayed far too long.

Yilong went to Bai Yu's room and saw the younger man, whom he's fallen in love with working on his laptop 

"Bai Yu" he called out and Bai Yu took a side glance towards him and smiled standing up and goes to the door

"Ge so you need anything?" Bai Yu ask and Yilong felt guilty.

"I came to talk to you about something" Yilong began and he looked straight into Bai Yu's eyes and felt his heart rate pumping up.

"I do too. I finally realised it but ge I have fallen in love with you" Bai Yu confessed and that made Yilong paused for a second and became speechless.

Then Bai Yu continued "I know it's too late but I don't know why but ever since you came back I finally realised that I have fallen deeply in love with you ge"

Yilong couldn't say a word and then he did the one thing he's good at which was lying

"I'm sorry. I don't think we are that close to be in a relationship Bai Yu. So it's impossible. I'm sorry Bai Yu. I cannot accept your feelings"

Bai Yu's face became dejected and Bai Yu then said "It's OK ge. You are right. It is impossible for us to be together" he was disappointed.

He then remembered "Ah ge you said you wanted to tell me something. What was it ge?" Bai Yu asked

Yilong gulped the lump in his throat and said "I remember everything now. And I want to go back to Germany"

Bai Yu was shocked his eyes then said "Do you? That's great! Oh okay sure. So when are you planning to go ge?"

Yilong could tell he wishes he would stay a little while longer but Yilong knew it was too late

"In a few more days. I am going to book a flight. May I use your computer?" Yilong ask

Bai Yu gave his laptop to Yilong who started typing out his tickets and got it printed out and the turn to face Bai Yu

"Thanks Bai Yu" Yilong said and soon left Bai Yu's room. He left Bai Yu know feeling sad.

I am too late

Bai Yu thought as he leaned back on his chair and placed his hands over his face.

What do I do?

He ask himself. He doesn't know fate has other plans for the both of them.

On the day of Yilong's flight everything doesn't go as plan.

Yilong keep on hitting things, Bai Yu almost got the house burned but Yilong manage to prevent it from happening.

Even Bi Ming caught a stomach flu. Yilong was determined to leave.

He called the taxi and soon said goodbye to Bai Yu and Bi Ming advising him to stay in bed and don't skip meals

Bi Ming look at him sadly as he got in the taxi and soon he waved goodbye to both father and son duo and left the house.

He saw Bi Ming running after the taxi and he felt tears running down his eyes

Goodbye Bai Yu. Goodbye Bi Ming.

Once he arrived at the airport he checked in his luggage and soon wander around until he decided to go in.

He then heard running and saw father and son duo running towards him and he hid quite well and quickly get to the departure entrance.

As he was about to give the officer his passport he didn't see a 12 year old grabbing him and his father dragging him away leaving the office starstruck.

Bai Yu placed the older male on a chair and said "You are not leaving us just yet"

"Let me go" Yilong said in a cold tone of voice

Bai Yu smirked and said "Nope. You are not leaving Beijing ever again"

He dragged Yilong to the car after getting Yilong's luggage back

Yilong felt he was too weak to defeat Bai Yu. Soon he was brought back to Bai Yu's house and put in the guest room.

"Stay here"

Yilong couldn't say a word as he glared a Bai Yu.

Bai Yu just smirked and said "Until you explain why you are leaving. I will not let you go anywhere"

Yilong continued glaring at him and answered "There's nothing to tell you"

Bai Yu just crossed his arms and said "Really ge? Because I feel like there was a huge secret you didn't want me to know"

Yilong just kept quiet and Bai Yu said "Rest ge. I will bring you something to eat later"

He walked out and Yilong heard the lock turned and he knew he's locked in the guest room

"So childish" Yilong said and laid in bed u too ge fell asleep and woken up when the door opened with Bi Ming coming in with a tray of food, probably take away

"Uncle eat" Bi Ming the closed the door and Yilong heard the door lock again

He looked at the food and ate it. He sighed and looked out the window.

"How did my life became like this?" He said aloud

What will happen next? Stay tuned

AN: hi. So here is another chapter. I hope my readers like it. Sorry my story became different than I intended it to be. So anyway that's it from me for now. Bye for now

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