Chapter Five

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Next morning, Yi Long just woke up and saw the many missed calls from Bi Ming. Then he called the number and heard the sound of a nurse

"Hello? Are you the guardian of this child named Bai Bi Ming?" Someone ask and Yi Long's grew panicked

"No but I know his father. What happened to the child?" He ask furrowing his eyebrows

"He was in an accident last night and been in the hospital. We did not see any other number than your number sir and someone as Papa but we couldn't get through the number as well"

"I'll be right there. Which hospital is it if I may ask?" Yi Long asked

"It is Beijing Jishuitan Hospital sir" The person on the other line said

"Thank you. I will be there" Yilong said curtly and soon he hang up the phone 

He got his phone, wallet and hotel key and soon left the hotel immediately catching a taxi to go to the hospital to find Bi Ming's room and got to find him still fast asleep.

AN: sorry

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

AN: sorry...I can't find any 12 year old...think some of you know who this kid was...clue he is from fresh off the boat

Yilong sat by the side and watched him. He look at the child and thought "Where is your father, Bi Ming"

He stayed awhile before he heard yelling outside the door and saw Bai Yu looking panicked and rush to the bed. 

He pulled Bi Ming off the bed and yelled "Wake up!" He shook the sleeping child who woke up now in panic and Yilong pulled Bai Yu apart

"Stop that Bai Yu. Let him rest. The doctor said he was in a traumatic accident. And you where have you been?!"

Bai Yu who was angry at his son now looked angrier at the person who he call as his ge long ago.

"This is none of your business. He is my son and I can do whatever I want with him. Leave!" Bai Yu yelled out and it made Yilong sadden.

He knew he was just a stranger and he was about to leave when his hand was pulled back by a smaller hand.

"Uncle, don't go....Papa.....I'm sorry. I won't be a burden to you anymore"Bi Ming begged

The plead breaks Yilong's heart and turned to face a crying child.

He sat down and said "I wish I could leave but your papa he doesn't think straight. Rest ok. I will talk to your papa" Yilong glared at Bai Yu who felt the tone changed in his voice "Follow me. We need to talk"

He pulled Bai Yu out of the room and closed the door shut and they were standing face to face again after almost 24 hours ago.

"Talk long ge" Bai Yu started and Yilong felt hurt but he did something he wished he'd done a long time ago.

He slapped Bai Yu and said "Stop acting like a brat. You child is in there hurt and you only care of yourself. This is not you Bai Yu. What happened 12 years ago had nothing to do with him"

"Really? Says the person who selfishly left the country 12 years ago. I mean, I don't understand exactly why ge, why did you leave?"Bai Yu ask

Yilong couldn't have to the heart to tell him. Not now not ever. So he lied, again.

"I want to go someplace and let you live your life alone. You don't need me" Yilong said

Bai Yu felt there was something else and he couldn't accept it "You are lying ge"

Yilong knew it was too late now go back down. He sighed and said "Even if I tell you it won't change the fact that I can't stay here. I've made a life for myself back in Germany. If you don't want me to stay then I will go. But I won't ever come back"

Bai Yu felt his heart broke by those words. He looked at Yilong and cried

"Long ge, why are you always running away?" Bai Yu ask

Yilong just sighed and said "I cannot tell you the reason"

Bai Yu then realised "Long ge"

"Our discussion is over. Go back in there and take care of your child. I'm sure your late wife wants you to. He only have you as a parent in this world. I am only a stranger. I will take my leave. I got a flight to catch tomorrow. Bye Bai Yu" Yilong said

Before Bai Yu could stop him Yilong left the hospital and while on the way back to the hotel he thought of the possibility of what he was doing was right of wrong.

He ate at a restaurant nearby the hotel and thought of what to say to Bi Ming once he's gone.

He went back to his hotel room and sat on a chair, facing the window. He thought of what had happened yesterday and what had happened earlier at the hospital.

"I shouldn't have come back" he mumbled

He decided to tell Bi Ming something important. He took out his phone and start writing a long message

Bi Ming I would like to tell you something..don't let your Papa read this alright"

Then he started typing

I once worked with your papa and he was just an intern in my company. I guess it was love at first sight.

But at that time he was already in a relationship with your Mama so I am just his senior and a good friend to your Papa.

You know in this society they don't actually accept gay relationship so that was why I decided to leave. At that time, your papa already proposed to your Mama so it was a good time for me to leave. Until now he doesn't know the reason why I left my job, my life here, my family, him here in Beijing and thus there is another reason for me to leave him.

I'm sorry Bi Ming but I know uncle is being selfish but I am doing it to save my own heart. I don't want to be the one who get hurt in the end.

Well I hope you live well. Study hard and maybe someday we will meet again.


He sent the message and sighed and soon decided to pack. The already checked in and just need to finish packing last few things.

He soon went to sleep after getting room service and didn't see an incoming text from an unknown number

"Long ge tell me where you are right now! We need to talk"

What will happen next? Stay tuned

AN: hi so here was the next chapter. I hope my readers like it. It's not much but it's something. yeah well that's all from me. Bye for now

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