Chapter Two

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Yi Long got to know about Bai Yu's girlfriend when he called to meet her at a restaurant

Yi Long was quite reluctant to meet Bai Yu's girlfriend but because of he made a promise to Bai Yu he left his apartment earlier than the designated time.

He waited in front of the restaurant and then he saw Bai Yu and a girl shorter than him coming closer and closer towards him.

"Ah Long ge you're here? Did you wait long?" Bai Yu ask

Yi Long just smiled and said "Not that long. I just came as well" he smiled.

"Honey who is this?" A voice suddenly heard and the two man realised the presence of the smaller woman

"Honey who is this?" A voice suddenly heard and the two man realised the presence of the smaller woman

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Bai Yu smiled and said "Long ge, I would like to introduce to you my girlfriend, Bu Guan Jin. Honey I would like you to meet my senior and person I considered as my brother, Zhu Yi Long"

Yi Long just smiled and greeted her "it's nice to meet you Ms"

Guan Jin, who was still shy just smiled "I-its nice to meet you too"

"Ah let's go in" Bai Yu said and soon all three of them went in and was placed in a round table where they ordered and started chatting, well more of Bai Yu chatting with his girlfriend while Yi Long watched them.

He felt left out so he quietly eats his food.

Bai Yu who realised Yi Long quietly eating alone made him shake his head "Long ge, why aren't you joining our conversation?" He ask

Yi Long look at him and said "I don't want to disturb your conversation with her. It's alright. I'm alright"

He looked at the time on his watch and realised the time "Well if there's nothing else I got to go. I have some other prior engagement. It's nice to meet you Ms Guan Jin. I will take my leave now"

He stood up and soon left the restaurant. He placed a hand upon his chest, where his heart were and felt it beating faster.

He hailed a taxi and soon on the way back to his apartment he knew he have to do whatever it takes to stay away from Bai Yu as much as possible.

Unknowingly, he broke his own heart.

He doesn't know this feeling. Not realising he was in love with Bai Yu but was heartbroken when he remembers the scene in front of him between them.

 Not realising he was in love with Bai Yu but was heartbroken when he remembers the scene in front of him between them

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Yi Long didn't realised a tear fell down from his eyes down his cheeks until he felt it drop onto his hand.

He wiped them and soon he put on a brave face and when he arrived home, he sat by the edge of his well-made bed and thought of what happened earlier.

He saw his phone rang but he ignored it at first but then he saw the name and slide to answer


"Hello long ge why did you leave?"

Yi long just sighed and said "I'm tired. I haven't slept well lately. Anyway I need to go. See you on Monday" Yi long didn't wait for an answer just hung up the phone and turned off his phone.

He laid in bed and then remembered about the picture. He sat up and reached to the side where the side table was located.

When opened he reached the table drawer he took out the planner and opened it.

The picture of them at the beach where they had an unexpected trip

Bai Yu was insistent and brought him one weekend to go to the nearest beach

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Bai Yu was insistent and brought him one weekend to go to the nearest beach.

He smiled remember the moments they spent together and didn't realised the single tear that fell suddenly down from his eyes down his cheeks and onto the palm of his hand.

Yi Long sighed and decided to get changed and start working. He set up his laptop and finished the data he meant to finish a few days ago.

To him work made him forget things and thus so he finished till it was 6PM.

He placed the work on place on his study table and decided to make so something for dinner.

He was eating when the doorbell rang and he opened it to find Bai Yu at the door

"Hello Long ge" Bai Yu greeted him informally as usually

"Bai Yu what are you doing here?" Yi Long ask

Bai Yu shamelessly went in the apartment and said "Game battle?"

Yi Long kept staring at him thinking

"What is he thinking?"

Bai Yu was smiling and he couldn't help but give in thus both ended up playing games till 2AM and Bai Yu fell asleep on his sofa.

Yi Long placed a blanket over Bai Yu's body and watched the younger man.

He was indeed unique and deserve to have someone to fall for him. Yi Long just look at him one last time before headed to his bed.

He thought of what has happened lately and soon he too drifted off to sleep.

What will happen when both found two newcomers and both got eyes for the both of them. And will stop at nothing to get them.

Stay tuned.

AN: hi. So here is the chapter for this story. Sorry its a bit boring. But the angst and whatever drama will happen very soon. Well bye for now.

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