Chapter Nine

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They drove for a half an hour until they've reached the office building.

Looking up from the car they both looking at the building and saw it was but run down

"What's with the condition of the building?" Yilong ask

"You didn't know? The company was claimed as bankrupt a few years ago due to the economic downfall" Bai Yu answered

"Luckily those who are working were given their severance pay long before it happened so now all the other employees are now scattered all over the place" Bai Yu continued

"How about you? Where are you working now?" Yilong ask and Bai Yu just send a smile to the older man

"A freelance photographer ge" he said "I'm not as lucky as you. You are more talented than I am" Bai said

"I see" Yilong don't know what to say

"Let's move on. I will bring you to your old apartment" Bai Yu said and soon the car started to move.

Yilong looked out the window and saw and the large building disappearing in the distance

He pulled his head back in and closed the window a looked at the road ahead

"Don't worry ge" Bai Yu said with a smile

Yilong just smiled, awkwardly and watched the road.

Soon they've reached a large apartment building and they came out of the car

"I used to live here?" Yilong ask and Bai Yu nodded

"For five years. I used to sleep over at your house all the time. We play video games and a lot of things together. Until...." Bai Yu's voice dropped and Yilong turned to face the younger

"Until I left suddenly 12 years ago..." Yilong continued "There's a reason why I left I suppose. We need to find out why"

Yilong knows if he told Bai Yu that he remembered everything Bai Yu will be enraged with him. So for now he will just pretend to not know much until Bai Yu figure it out himself

"That's the biggest question between it all. Why did you leave Beijing to go to Germany so suddenly"

Yilong just kept quiet and then he turned his head and saw Bai Yu staring at him and he looked away

"Where are we going next?" Yilong ask and Bai Yu smirked

"The place I brought you to introduce my late wife, Bu Guan Jin" Bai Yu answered

Yilong's eyes widen and take a sharp turn to face Bai Yu "You introduced her to me before?"

Bai Yu just said "Yeah I did. You looked happy to meet her. But you left early. It was so weird. Let's go"

Soon they were at the restaurant and the pain started once again making Yilong wince in pain.

"Ge are you okay?" Bai Yu ask and Yilong felt the pain subsides and answers

"Yeah I am okay now" he smiled at Bai Yu

"Are you sure? We can go home and continue this tomorrow" Bai Yu ask and Yilong answered

"Yeah I'm sure" Yilong said and Bai Yu just continue glancing at the older man

"Ah the day I told you I was going to propose to Guan Jin we were at the park. Think it was a morning jog. You were happy for me but I don't know why it's like you are hiding something from me. Think that's when it changed" Bai Yu said

Yi Long felt the tears flow down his eyes but wiped them quickly before Bai Yi said them but Bai Yu turned and saw a glimpse of it and became curious

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