Chapter Six

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Yilong rubbed his eyes couldn't believe the texts he received from an unknown number the very next morning.

"Tell me where you are right now?"

"Why aren't you answering?"

"Are you ignoring me again?"

"Long ge answer me!"

The rest of the texts he received were threats. He knew he must go.

To save himself his sanity he needs to leave the country.

As he was pondering he received a call and he answered it "Hello?"

"Uncle where are you? I missed you. Why aren't you coming to see me? Are you leaving again?"

It was Bi Ming. Yilong bit the inside of his cheek and answered "I am at my hotel, going to check our soon before I go to the airport for my flight. I'm sorry kid. I have to go. Just like the message I sent you last night I have to go. Well bye Bi Ming. Stay strong and be an obedient son okay"

There was silence until be heard the voice of someone he wished wouldn't bother him

"What time is your flight long ge?" The voice of Bai Yu suddenly said and it made Yilong surprised but he gulped and answered

"I don't have the authority to tell you. Goodbye Bai Yu"

He hung up the phone and sighed. He soon decided to get going and goes down to the lobby, checked out and called for a taxi and soon was on the way to the airport.

The scene from 12 years ago happened all over again. This time he was certain Bai Yu or Bi Ming will not come after him.

"Why is my life so complicated. I wished I've never met Bai Yu"

You know be careful of what you wished for or else it might just come true and it did in an instant.

The taxi that was bringing Yilong to the airport crashed hitting another car, the driver dead and Yilong was still conscious until he said a name before he passed out

"Bai Yu" he passed out in his seat before someone pulled him out and the car became engulfed in flames.

He was sent to the same hospital as Bi Ming and was unconscious until they made sure he was stable.

Bai Yu who was outside going to the cafe heard two nurses talking

"You heard about the famous pianist name Zhu Yilong. He was involved in a car accident"

"Really? Is he okay now?"

Bai Yu's eyes widen as he heard it and quickly ran towards the nurses area and found out where Yilong was.

Room 102

He quickly ran towards the room to find Yilong still unconscious. He was crying when he saw his ge now surround by wires to keep him alive.

"Ge.....wake up ge. It's me. Bai Yu, I'm here. Wake up" he was pleading

The doctor came in for the rounds and saw Bai Yu

"Are you a guardian of Mr. Zhu?" The doctor ask

Bai Yu just nodded

"Well I'm afraid I got bad news"

Bai Yu dreaded this

"Tell me doctor what is happening"

"Apparently Mr Zhu hit a very vital part of his brain having slightly haemorrhaging. Thus when he came in he lost a lot of blood. He is currently in a coma"

Bai Yu was crying "H-how long will he be in this state doctor?"

"Who knows. It could be days, months, years even" the doctor answered.

"But do not worry we will monitor him for a week. If there are any changes we will let you know, sir...what is your name sir?"

"Bai Yu" Bai Yu said, still devastated

"Ah Mr Bai Yu. Do not worry we will try our best to revive Mr Zhu. Now I will take my leave" the doctor said and soon left the room.

Bai Yu began to cry once again. He wiped the tears and grabbed Yilong's hands 

"Ge, please wake up soon" Bai Yu whispered and after few minutes he got up and goes out of the room.

He walked slowly back to Bi Ming's room and found the boy looking at him and ask

"Papa what happened?" The young boy ask

"Uncle Zhu got into an accident. He is here in this hospital"

"Really? Let's go I want to see him! Papa let's go!" Bi Ming said

"He is still unconscious. Maybe tomorrow" Bai Yu try to reason with his son and he saw Bi Ming's expression fell.

"Oh okay papa" the young boy said

Bai Yu felt bad for making his son disappointed and he pat the younger man's head "He will be ok I promise you"

His son hugged him smiling wide while  Bai Yu held the tears from coming down.

Next day as promised father and son goes out of the room and got to the room where the sleeping man still unmoving and unspoken.

Bi Ming came closer and pulled his dad's hand and connected it with Yilong's hand.

Bai Yu who was confused ask "Bi Ming... w-what are you doing?"

His son just smiled and said "Put his hand to your heart papa" his son pushed him too hard almost making him fall on top of Yilong

He take a glance at his son pouted "Bi Ming" he hissed but he didn't see the older man on the bed waking up eyes fluttered open and saw someone hovering over him

"What are you doing?" Yilong said in a low voice. Bai Yu moved away

Yi Long saw the surrounding and saw Bai Yu and a child around 12 years old. He got confused and felt his head hurt

"My head. What happened?" He ask and Bai Yu answered

"You were in a car accident. You don't remember anything?" He asked

Yilong just looked around and saw the kid smiling "Uncle you're awake!"  He hugged the older man who was confused

"Who are you two?" Yilong ask and both father and son look at each other before looking at the older man, speechless.

What will happen next? Stay tuned.

AN: here was another chapter. Hope my readers especially my friend, akanesube like this. I promised her it will be a happy ending so I will give her a happy ending. Anyway bye for now.

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