Chapter Seven

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"Well? Won't any one of you answer me?" Yilong sounded a bit impatient.

Then it was Bi Ming who answered "My name is Bai Bi Ming. I'm 12. He's my Papa his name is Bai Yu. My Mama used to told me you and my Papa used to be friends and colleagues before I was born"

Bai Yu look away but he ended up staring right into Yilong's sharp gaze

"Really? Which company was it?" Yilong ask

"Zhao Industries. You work there as a executive officer there for about five years.."

"I see" then Yilong flinched now in pain "Ahh my head" he gritted his teeth

Bai Yu quickly called the nurse who quickly came and together with the nurse, the doctor confirm it after a few tests

"Do not worry it is only temporary amnesia" the doctor said Bai Yu just stared at him dumbfounded

"Will he ever remember doctor?" Bai Yu ask

"He will. Give it time" the doctor soon left and Bai Yu knelt down on the floor now crying.

Inside Bi Ming stared at the uncle he only met recently. The person whom he ask for help but ended up getting help from them.

"This was not the plan"Bi Ming mumbled now angry with himself. He doesn't know what to do anymore.

He kept on staring at the older man who was currently sleeping. He felt bad.

He sat down watching the man sleeping and started to cry.

He remembered the words his mama told him on her death bed

"Baby promise Mama you will find Papa's friend okay. Promise mama. Let Papa be happy again"

He remembered he promised his Mama while crying that day as he was there when she passed.

His Papa came in and didn't cry at all.

His papa changed after that day. Becoming a recluse and doesn't go to work anymore he became different.

He became quick tempered and it scared Bi Ming. Often due to to small mistakes he had to endure the punishments.

That was why he reached out to find Zhu Yilong who he found out is a famous pianist in Germany and got in contact in him and ask for help.

He didn't expect this to happen. He cried, sobbing and mumbled "Mama I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise"

Bi Ming didn't see Yilong who woke up and heard the child's words.

He became confused even more. He wanted to know more about this child and the man who claim to be someone from his past.

He doesn't know why but he felt his heart racing when he and that man stared into each others eyes.

The feeling he wished he could figure it out.

"Why do I feel I'm forgetting something very important?"he thought.

He felt his heart beating faster when the door of the room opened and he saw the man by the name of Bai Yu came in and smiled slightly but a feeling of sadness

"You're awake? So you need anything ge? Water? Fruits?" Bai Yu offers but Yilong stopped him by raising his palm and answered

"I'm okay. Your son has been crying and fell asleep. You should send him back to bed"he said and Bai Yu saw his son fallen asleep on the sofa.

Bai Yu sighed and smiled soon said "I will send him back to his room ge. Will come by later"

Soon Bai Yu left with his sleeping son in his arms and soon Yilong was all alone.

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