Chapter Four

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As soon as Yi Long was approaching his gate, ge got pulled by someone to a nearby wall and he saw someone in a cap and mask and was about to use his martial arts skills but was stopped when the person pulled down the mask revealing Bai Yu.

"Bai Yu! What in the world are you doing? How did you get in here?" Yi Long said looking around and pulled Bai Yu to the secluded part of the wall.

"I came to see you before you go" Bai Yu said

"You are crazy" Yi Long said kneading his temples "Get out from here before the security find you" he said

Bai Yu pouted "Why are you so keen on being far away from me as possible?"

Yi Long then stared into the dark orbs and sighed "This is none of your business. Go home Bai Yu"

He straighten his clothes and goes out and went to his gate.

He can see Bai Yu looking at him still disappointed. He knew it was the best way to do so

I am so sorry Bai Yu but I don't want to risk your future. It's best if I go

He saw the sad look upon Bai Yu's eyes until he saw the security yelling at him and dragged him away.

Zhu Yi Long never regretted quite a lot of things in life but this regret was the biggest one he had till this day. 

He got on the plane and throughout the flight he couldn't stop thinking of Bai Yu's expression.

When he was in Germany he endured everything alone. Despite the broken heart, he moved on with his life

He continued his life and smiled to everyone. He soon forgotten about the heart he left with back in China.

He started thinking further away about someone until he received an anonymous email 12 years later

Dear Mr. Zhu,

My name is Bai Bi Ming. I am the son of Bai Yu. I need your help. My papa is sick. Please come back

My papa is being stubborn as ever since my mama passed away two years ago. He refuses to go to the hospital.

I know this is sudden but please come back and help.

Bai Bi Ming

PS here is my number
+86 10 6552 9988

Yi Long re-read the email again and again couldn't believe it.

"Bai Yu... you idiot" he mumbled and soon got his flight tickets and soon packed and was on the way to the airport.

He texted the number

This is Mr Zhu. May I gave your address?

Soon he received a text from the child

15, Kanding Street

He saved the address in his notes and soon got on the plane and was soon on the way back to Beijing.

Once arrived he got to the address and was greeted by a little boy

"Hi I'm Zhu Yi Long the one you sent email to" Yi Long said and the boy smiled

"Ah Uncle Zhu. I finally get to meet you!" The boy hugged Yi Long almost making him list his balance.

"Bi Ming who is at the door?" A voice Yi Long haven't heard for 12 years called out to his son and he came to the door has eyes widen

"Long ge? W-what are you doing here? When did you get back from Germany?"

"Just arrived. Your son sent me an email and told me about you"

The expression on his face changed as he grabbed the child and used the belt to whip him

"What you insolent child!" The yelled out. Yi long became scared and so was Bi Ming who hid behind Yi Long

"Now, now Bai Yu no need to get violent with the child" Yi Long said

The child was already trembling "Papa scary"

Bai Yu tried to grab his son but failed. He threw the belt and said "You stay outside until I tell you to. Long ge can come in. I will make some coffee"

Bai Yu soon disappeared inside the house leaving Yi Long with Bi Ming who starts to sob.

Yi Long knelt down and said "Don't cry. You come in as well OK and I will talk to your papa hmm?"

The kid cried but nodded and soon both went in.

Yi Long look around the house and find it cosy and simple.

He saw the pedestal and saw the picture of Guan Jin. He got curious and ask

"How long have your mama been sick?"

Bi Ming stared at him and then answered "Since a year before she passed. I overheard the doctor said it was cancer. Papa couldn't take the news went out everyday and when he gets home get was drunk"

Yi Long understood. It was normal. Must've been hard for him. He felt bad but he knew it wasn't his business.

"How about your papa you said he's been sick"

"Yes he keep on coughing all the time. I'm worried. One time I saw blood. Thats the reason why I sent that email to you uncle"

Yi Long felt bad. At a young age to lose his mom and a father who is sick and being abusive to his only son. He kept on thinking

"What if I didn't go. What will change?" He thought and then he heard Bai Yu's voice

"Long ge I've made coffee" Bai Yu called out and Bi Ming ran off to his room as Yi Long went to sit at the living room.

It's already going to be spring soon the weather are slightly getting better.

He drank coffee and with Bai Yu in silence until Bai Yu ask

"Why did you come back Long ge?" He ask and that question made Yi Long's heart felt a prick

He put down the mug and said "Your son said you are sick. What are you doing to yourself all the years?"

Bai Yu put the mug down harshly making the content of the coffee spill all over his hand but he didn't flinch.

Bai Yu then said "Go back ge. Don't ever come back here"

Yi Long knew the past 12 years Bai Yu grew a resentment towards him and he understands the reason.

Yi Long got up and got his bag and soon left the house.

He got checked into a hotel and before he sleeps he cried. The tears that has been hiding for years finally came out. He knew it was all his fault.

"I knew I shouldn't have come back" he mumbled "Bai Yu, I'm sorry"

He fell asleep and didn't realise the ringing of his phone.

What will happen next? Stay tuned

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