Good News (Chapter 16)

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I've been here for about five months now and to say the least Jessie is not as bad as I first thought. But I still haven't spoken to my family, and my mom most likely will having the baby soon because werewolf have longer pregnancy's then humans sadly. For us usally eleven or twelve mouths.

I've also been feeling better but I still can't walk, today Jessie and Ruth are taking me back to doctor...I can't remember her name.

Ruth and I are sitting on the couch, Ruth has been doing things for me that I could do like moving my weelchair, or getting a glass of water Etc and infuriates me and she knows it but she insists and I can't stop her.
My birthday happened last mouth and my family wasn't there and it was a dummer but Ruth tried her best.

"Hey you two it's time to go." Jessie says coming in living  room. He walks over and untangle me and Ruth from are snuggling position.

"Awwww but we're comfy!" Ruth wines.

"Ah shut you mutt" Jessie says while picking my up ( which I hate!) And plopping my gently in my chair like I don't weigh 155 pounds...I gained weight from being in a sitting potion all hours of the day.

"Stop squabbling you sound like an old couple." They both wrinkle their noses in disgust.

"Ewwww." Ruth says.
"Ya that fucking gross she's my cousin." I laugh because for once there agreeing on something.

"ANYWAY it's time to go and if we don't leave right this minute we are going to be late." Ruth gets up and pushes me to the door and Jessie walks ahead.

Ruth helps me into the car and she's become a pro at helping me with kinda stuff.
Once were all in the car. (Me and Ruth in the back.) I look over to Ruth and smile.

"Hey ruth?"

"Yea!?" She says cheerful like always.

"You are always helping me" I say, I whisper under my breath "even though I don't want you to." She giggles at that.

"I just wanted to say thank you."

"I'm glad to help!"

Jessie chimes in. " maybe she should be your care taker so she finally has a job."

"Oh you don't have to!" I think for a second " But I know your not stopping any time soon so it would be nice for you to get paid!"

"Being with you is payment enough!" She's pauses for a second. "But if I get paid I can get a car...then we can go out to cafes and eat sweets!!!"

"That sounds fun!"

"You can do that now I have a car I can drive you dummy." Jessie says in a duh tone.

"With out you butt face" Ruth says sticking her tough out.

"Your so childish." Jessie says shaking his head.


Me and Ruth talk for a while and then Jessie interrupts saying we're here. Ruth quickly gets out of the car grabbing the weelchair chair. Jessie opens the door and places me in it.

I remember last time we were here it didn't go to we'll but I hope it's better. Jessie walks over to the content and grabs some paper.
He sits down handing m thick piece of paper with a number on it from last time and I lean it against my chest. He starts filling out the paper work and I growl at him.

He looks over confused. "You need something?"

"I can fill out the paperwork my self." He hands it to me.



Name:Clara Windeo. Date of birth:July 9th. Docter:Sorara

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