News (Chapter 11)

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My heart drops when he says that. Why is he so cold she's his own blood they should be respectful to one another.

It makes me sad when families fight, mentioning family I miss them I promised Mom and Noah I would come back, but that seems to be growing farther every passing second.

We reach the parking lot Ruth stops us in front if a red car that I think is a Ford.
Ruth opens the door and I stand up on wobbly legs but fail and fall. Jessie catches me and lifts me into the car.

I have never been this weak in my life not even when I was home sick for a week because of the flew. And believe me when I say I was difficult even getting out of bed.
When you throw up every two minutes.

"Thank you" I mumble avoiding eye contact.

Jessie gets to the front seat and Ruth hops next to him, I just look down lost in my own thoughts.

At times like these, I wish I had my phone, but I don't think Jessie trusts me enough to allow me to have it.
The engine tours to life and he quickly pulls out of the parking lot. Ruth is chatting up a storm but I don't pay much attention.

"Jessie," I ask mumbling my words.

"Yes clar"

"When will I see my family again"

He seems to become stiff. "That's up to if you behaved or not," he says coldly.

"You can't just kidnap your mate!"

"I can do whatever the hell I please I'm the alpha!"

"I don't give a shit if you were the king of the world you have no right!!!" I can feel the flames of anger burn in my belly.


"I HAVE PLENTY OF RIGHTS YOUR NO MATE TO ME!!!" Jessie gets quiet and I feel as if I have heartburn.

I should just reject him. When I said those words my heart burned with the pain I lurched forward grabbing my chest in pain.

"Where my mate and you have no right to deny me," Jessie says coldly as he pulls up to what I assume to be the pack doctor.

"Get out of my car" Ruth quickly hops out and grabs my wheelchair from the back, she opens my door and I slid in. She starts to push me.

"I can do it myself"

"I shall not allow it" she seems to be cheerful even after what went down.

Jessie gets out and slams the car door he starts walking and Ruth follows him he opens the door not bothering to leave in open for us, I open it and I see Jessie already at the counter talking to the dark-haired pail girl with chocolate brown eyes she looks about mid-twenties.

She grabs a piece of paper and hands it to Jessie he grabs it and walks over to us shoving the paper in my arms.

It says number four on it.

"Hold it up"


I set it at an angle leaning against my chest. After a while, a nurse comes out and calls out four I wave her over and she speed walks over to us.

"Miss Windeo?"

"That's me!" I put on a fake smile. She walks behind me pushing me through the double doors Ruth and Jessie right behind.

She walls down a long narrow hallway with doors here and there with a number next to them, she turns into the second to last door. Number eleven...

She gestures for me to sit it a large chair and I quickly shift over before I can humiliate myself by falling on my face...I hate being so weak.

She does the usual nurse things checking my pulse, heartbeat, and etcetera.

"Ok I'm done here doctor Sorara will be in shortly." I smile nodding.

Time passes slowly, and it's just silence tell I hear the door open we all snap our heads in that direction.

"Hello again Clara you might not remember me but I'm the doctor that looked after you when you were hospitalized." She smiles then sits down.

" Hello, nice to meet you" I offer my hand for a handshake. And she firmly shakes my hand.

"Hey Ruth"

"Yesss" Ruth says cheerfully.

"It would be best if you stepped out."

Ruth nods and hops out of her chair and skips out the is she so enthusiastic.

"Alpha" she bows her head slightly.

She asks me questions like how's my appetite, legs, weirdly enough pooping ability and other doctorly things me and Jessie both say a brief report of everything. And she just nods and writes on her notepad.

"Ok I will be back In just a minute." she steps out and unlike what she says is gone way longer than a minute. I tap my foot waiting when she finally comes back she has a concerned look on her face.

"What's wrong," Jessie says furrowing his eyebrows.


"What," I ask concerned. She sighs and looks me in the eyes.

"You may never walk again." when she says that I feel my head spinning the words repeating in my head, how could that be possible.

"H-how!" I ask

"Well, when you were knocked out we failed to notice that both of your legs had significant damage ripped muscles Beyond what your body can take, we can't explain why or how it happened all we know is that is we noticed it sooner could have prevented such significant damage and you would be able to walk.

"What could she have been doing that would destroy her legs so severely?"

"We have a couple of guesses, but we're not sure." they talk back and forth but there voices sound muffled all I hear is 'you may never walk again' over and over I can't handle being so weak I...I just can't live this way.

I might as well be dead.

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