05; Surprise

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2014 Washington D.C.
"I don't know how it's possible, but it is, and this is real."

STEVE AND KATHERINE HAD FOUND A TEMPORARY PLACE TO STAY since their apartment wasn't up to par anymore. Steve was being questioned by S.H.I.E.L.D. about why Nick was in their apartment, which of course Steve already talked over with Katherine, he wouldn't trust anyone if it wasn't her, but Katherine was feeling pretty slow and sluggish that morning.

When she woke up she felt nausesous, which was a rare feeling for her, but it had been happening for the last couple of weeks. "Kat!" Natasha's voice rang when she walked inside of her apartment, but Katherine was throwing up in the bathroom, which Natasha could hear, so she ran back to where her friend was.

"What the hell is wrong with me? I've been throwing up for weeks, which isn't normal." Katherine asked while flushing the toilet.

"Maybe you're pregnant." Natasha said, which made Katherine laugh.

"Nat, that's impossible. Steve and I both have serums in our bloodstream that prevent that very thing." Katherine said, shaking her head. Natasha shrugged her shoulders.

"Kath. . we live in a world where people like Thor exist, and you've been alive since 1920, yet you still look 21. Is it really that far fetched to believe that you might be pregnant?" Natasha asked. Katherine sighed knowing that she was right. Maybe she should take a test to be sure?

"Nat. . I can't be pregnant. Not because I don't want to be but. . look at the life that we live. This isn't a life to bring a child into." Katherine said. Natasha laid her hand down on her friends shoulder, and smiled at her.

"That's why we're going to make it safer for all of us, but especially for my future niece of nephew." Natasha said, and Katherine smiled at her, feeling her eyes water, but Natasha wiped them while they both smiled.

"Okay. . let's go to the hospital."

There were a few reasons Katherine needed to go to the hospital. The first reason to see if she actually was pregnant, and the second reason was to get the hard drive, which she told Natasha about. She knew Steve wouldn't be too happy about that, because she did tell her boyfriend where she put it, but she knew Natasha was someone she could trust.

So while Katherine got blood work done, Natasha went to get the flashdrive, and they both waited for the results. Natasha came back in the room at the same time to doctor did to show both the girls the results, and then Katherine saw Steve from her room, and she didn't want him to know the other reason why she came, but she knew he was looking for the flash drive.

The girls both approached him as Natasha was chewing gum, in specific, the gum Katherine hid the hard drive behind, and Katherine noticed he had his hood on, she only deciphered that meant his meeting with S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't go well. Fury did say that they were compromised. Steve pushed Natasha into another room, while Katherine followed.

"Where is it?" Steve asked as he pulled his hood down.

"Safe." She said. Steve looked at Katherine.

"You told her?" He asked.

"Of course I did." Katherine responded, and Steve looked back at Natasha.

"Do better." Steve said.

"Where did you get it?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Fury gave it to you. Why?"

"Technically, he gave it to me." Katherine said.

"What's on it?" Steve asked, this time looking at both girls since they were the ones who used it to pull files from the ship they were all on.

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