06; On the Run

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2014 Washington D.C.
"I never thought I'd be a fugitive from the agency I founded."

KATHERINE MORETTI, NATASHA ROMANOFF, AND STEVE ROGERS, all walked together through the Washington Mall. Going on a ghost hunt to search for an impossible target while being S.H.I.E.L.D. fugitives wasn't an easy job. Natasha had her hood up, Steve had on a hat and glasses, white Katherine had her hair braided and a pair of glasses on as well. They weren't the greatest disguises, but they couldn't do much on short notice.

"First rule of being on the run is don't run, walk." Natasha said to Steve who had a bit too much pep in his step. She didn't want any of them to look out of place.

"If I run in these shoes, they're going to fall off." Steve said. The three of them made their way to the Apple Store where Katherine was going to plug the hard drive into one of the Macbooks.

"The drive has a Level Six homing program, so as soon as we boot up S.H.I.E.L.D. will know exactly where we are." Katherine said, and then she started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Natasha asked.

"I never thought I'd be a fugitive from the agency I founded." Katherine said, laughing more.

"After they know where we are. How much time will we have?" Steve asked.

"About nine minutes from. . now." Katherine said, as she plugged the drive into the computer. Then she and Natasha started to sift through the files.

"Fury was right about that ship. Somebody's trying to hide something. This drive is protected by some sort of AI. It keeps rewriting itself to counter Katherine's commands." Natasha said, as Katherine was trying to work her way through the files but wasn't finding any success.

"Can you override it?" Steve asked his girlfriend. After finding out that she was pregnant, he didn't want her anywhere near the fight, but he also knows her, and he knows she's not going to back down.

"The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me." Katherine said, and then she looked back at Steve and Natasha. "Only slightly."

"Kat, try running a tracer." Natasha said, and Katherine nodded her head.

"You're a genius Nat. This is a program that S.H.I.E.L.D. developed to track hostile malware, so if we can't read the file, maybe we can find out where it came from." Katherine said, as she pulled up a map on the screen after running the tracer.

"Can I help you guys with anything?" A worker approached the trio. Katherine quickly turned around with a smile on her face.

"Oh, no. . uh, my fiancée was just helping me with some honeymoon destinations." Katherine said, taking Steve and the worker by surprise when she put her arm around Natasha's shoulders. Natasha was easily able to play along. Katherine only went to Natasha because she knew that Steve wasn't good at lying under pressure.

"Yes, we're so excited, and our friend here was just helping us come up with locations." Natasha said with an equally bright smile on her face as they looked at the worker. Then she turned back around to continue what Katherine had been doing on the computer.

"Congratulations, where are you guys thinking about going?" The worker asked. Katherine looked down at the screen while also shielding it with her shoulders as a location popped up.

"New Jersey." She said, nodding her head. The worker then looked at Steve, as if he recognized him, and Katherine watched as Steve's face tensed up, not knowing if he was going to have to fight or not.

"I have the exact same glasses." He said instead.

"Wow, you two are practically twins." Katherine said sarcastically.

"Yeah, I wish." The worker said, before bringing his hands up as if he was scanning Steve's body. "Speciman." He said, as he started to back up from them. "If you guys need anything. I've been Aaron." He said.

"Thank you." Steve said, nodding his head as he walked away, then they both turned back to focus on what Natasha was able to pull up.

"Kat said nine minutes, come on." Steve said, checking his watch.

"Relax, babe. She got it." Katherine said. Natasha wore a smirk on her face as it narrowed down the location in New Jersey, a city called Wheaton. Steve leaned in close to look and Natasha noticed the look on his face.

"You know it?" She asked.

"I used to. Let's go." Steve said, pulling the hard drive out of the computer, and the three of them left the store. The three of them emersed themselves back into the crowded mall hoping they would be able to avoid Rumlow and his operatives. "Standard tac team. Two behind, two across, two coming straight at us." Steve said.

Once he pointed it out. Katherine did see the two S.T.R.I.K.E. team members that were coming at them. "If they make us, I'll engage. You two hit the south escalator to the metro." Steve said.

"Shut up and put your arms around us. Pretend to laugh at something I said." Katherine said.

"What?" Steve asked.

"Don't question, just do it." Katherine said. Steve listened to his girlfriend and wrapped one arm around her and one around Natasha while all three of them ducked their heads towards each other and Steve started laughing, blowing right past the S.T.R.I.K.E. operatives that didn't give them a second glance.

As they stood on the escalator going down, Katherine noticed Rumlow on the escalator going up. She made Natasha switch positions with her, and had her stand with her back towards Rumlow, and then she looked up at Steve.

"Kiss me." She said.

"What? Kath, we're on mi. .-" She cut him off.

". .-Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable." She said to him.

"Yes, they do." He said. Katherine rolled her eyes, having no time to explain before grabbing Steve's face and pulling him in for a kiss. Steve was caught by surprise, even by his own girlfriend because he wasn't sure what was going on. With Natasha's back to Rumlow, and she was kind of shielding Katherine and Steve, they were able to pass him without him giving it a second look.

"You still uncomfortable?" Katherine asked as she began to walk down the escalator, Steve and Natasha following behind her.

"It's not exactly the word I would use." Steve said, and Katherine smirked.

"Don't get too turned on, babe. We still have a mission to complete."

Aw, how cute are they, right?

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xoxo, Micah.

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