13; The Truth

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2014 Eastern Europe
"Nothing is going to happen to you, as long as I'm breathing, no one will hurt you or our children, ever."

THE SEARCH FOR BUCKY was not going so well.

Katherine knows how hard it is to find a ghost, because she was once one herself. You don't find them unless they want to be found, or unless they find you. Following the file that Natasha gave them, led them to Eastern Europe near Russia. Whispers of HYDRA operating had been floating around since Katherine had shut them down in the United States.

Not to mention Katherine could give birth at any minute.

She had Tony run tests on the serum in her body and how it was affecting her pregnancy. She knew he was the only one who would be able to, since it was his father that had a hand in making it. He told her that it was accelerating her pregnancy and the growth of her twins, which she had found out about about a month ago, and that she could be expected to give birth around 6 months instead of 9.

She was hitting the six month mark.

Steve wanted to get married right away, but Katherine wanted to wait until after she gave birth and gave her body time to snap back. She told Steve she only planned on getting married once, so she needed to look good when it happened. To which Steve responded that she always looked good, which she took the compliment, but knew he was only saying that for fear that she might fight him if he said anything else.

"He has to be here somewhere, we've analyzed this file up and down, I know it by heart." Katherine groaned as she laid back on their hotel bed. They had a suite room, the set up was, there was a 'living room' and kitchen in the middle, two separate bedrooms with bathrooms on both sides, so it accomadated to all of them.

"Maybe we were wrong." Steve said.

"Maybe he doesn't want to be found." Katherine said.

"Or maybe HYDRA got back in his head." He said, which Katherine frowned. She knew Steve wanted to find him for a lot of reasons. Bucky is his best friend, he's always been there for him. He also hoped maybe he could find him and help him before they got married so Bucky could stand in as his best man.

"Steve, none of this is your fault. If you really want to blame someone, I guess it should be me. I should've pressed harder." Katherine said, shaking her head. Steve sat down on their bed next to her, while shaking his head.

"Kath. . I've never seen you torture anyone, but I'm sure you're thorough. Like you said. Bucky was the secret that some HYDRA agents died to protect." Steve said.

"Because they knew if they told me, I would've gotten him out of there." She said.

"How would you have taken on HYDRA by yourself?" He asked. Katherine looked at Steve, taking a deep breath. She figured, before they get married, she might as well come clean about all her dirty laundry from the years that he was 'dead.'

"Steve, I'm capable of a lot of things. Some things I've been very ashamed to tell you. Do you remember the nightmares I've been having?" She asked.

"Yes. . they seem to have gotten worse as your pregnancy has progressed along." Steve said. Katheirne sighed, while shaking her head.

"The nightmares aren't about HYDRA, they aren't about you anymore. . they're about my father." Katherine said.

"You mentioned that he died." Steve said.

"Yeah. . but I didn't tell you how." Katherine said, looking away from him. Steve could tell this was heavy for her, but he was thinking it was hard for her to remember how her father died, but it was actually hard for her, because she didn't know how Steve would react to finding out that she was the one who killed him.

"You don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to." Steve said, laying a hand on her back.

"No. . if you're going to marry me, Steve. You need to know what actually happened." She said.

"Why would what happened change me wanting to marry you? Katherine, I love you, nothing that you say can change that. You were the first person I asked for when I woke up from that ice. You were the only person I needed to get back to." Steve said. Katherine looked at her fiancé with tears in her eyes, shaking her head.

"Steve, I killed him. . I killed my dad." She whispered. Steve was surprised, he couldn't pretend like he wasn't, and in his shock, he didn't know how to retain the information.

"You. . what? How. . why?" Steve asked, just trying to understand.

"I killed him. . by burning down the house I grew up in. . because if I didn't kill him first, he was going to kill me. You don't run away from the Moretti gang twice, and make it out alive." She said.

"So the nightmares. .-" She cut him off.

". .-I feel like. . maybe if he's not still out there, other associates are. HYDRA manifested right under my nose. . whose to say my father's gang didn't do the same thing. What if they come after me? I can't put you and our kids in danger." Katherine said, laying a hand on top of her stomach. Steve laid his hand on top of hers.

"Nothing is going to happen to you or them. As long as I'm breathing, no one will hurt you or our children, ever." Steve said to her. He laid his other hand down on her cheek, wiping away her tears as she nodded her head.

"I'm so sorry. . I've done so many bad things. .-" Steve cut her off.

". .-Hey. . none of that matters anymore. Katherine, I love you. The good, the bad, the killer, the seductress. I love you for who you are and I would never ask you to change." He said. Katherine leaned in to give him a kiss, but she stopped short of his lips as her eyes widened.

"Oh shit." She said.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"My water just broke, Cap. . these babies are about to come, now."

First of all, since I've never had the experience of pregnancy, I'm not going to try and write about it, so just know she gave birth to the mini Rogers here. Also, surprise they're twins, so I ask again. Gimme some super powers, of course they're going to be super babies :)

Also, don't forget to check out my in real life Chris Evans story that ties in with this series, Oh Captain, My Captain.

Don't forget to vote/comment.

xoxo, Micah.

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