14; Meet the Rogers [1]

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2014 Venice, Italia
"I know for certain, no matter what happens, we'll always come back to each other."

IT WAS TIME for the wedding.

Katherine gave birth to the Rogers twins, Amaya Daniella and Christian Giovanni 4 months ago. Although by age they were only four months old, they looked almost a year old, and they were already walking and babbling. Steve and Katherine realized they grew quickly, so of course she went to Tony about it, and he said it was probably because of the serum. Since they sat in Katherine's womb absorbing everything she had in her bloodstream, it was most likely in their bloodstream too. He said as they get 'bigger' he can run more tests and try to figure out exactly how it's going to affect them and their lives, which Katherine was grateful for.

Steve wanted to surprise Katherine with a destination wedding, back in her home city and country. Steve had asked Katherine a lot of the times for her good memories of Italy and her favorite one was this field that her mother used to take her to. Flowers were always in bloom of many different colors. It was like a park, it was her fondest memory with her mom before she passed away. Steve wanted to make a memory there with her as well.

When Steve told her, she was more than happy about it, but also nervous to be going back home. After giving birth to the twins, her nightmares got worse that they were going to be taken from her. But Steve always reassured her that he would never let that happen. Now, she stood with Natasha, Nikita, and Pepper, who had Amaya in the room with them as they helped Katherine get ready.

"Did you ever think you'd be here?" Natasha asked.

"Not at all. Glad you could make it back, Nat. . you were hard to track down." Katherine said, and then she looked at Nikita. "So were you. Romanoff's." She said, shaking her head, which made both of the girl's laugh.

"Wait, Romanoff. . you. . what?" Pepper asked, looking between the both of them. All three girls just laughed and Natasha nodded her head.

"We're not going to tell the boy's yet. . for now, she's just Katherine's friend from S.H.I.E.L.D. if you don't mind not telling Tony." Natasha said and Pepper nodded her head.

"Of course." Pepper said.

"Good. . and anyway, Kat, I wouldn't stay in hiding from you. How was your other mission going?" Natasha asked, and Katherine shook her head.

"We might be close to a breakthrough." She said, as Pepper was adjusting the veil on her head. She smiled at her, because she had so much appreciation for Pepper. From the beginning, she helped hold Stark Industries together after Howard died, and Tony had to take over by default. Pepper has been there since the beginning, and she thought no one was more worthy than Pepper to be CEO. She's also been there for her as a friend for a long time.

"Hey, Nat. . I've been meaning to ask you something." Katherine said, as she saw Natasha pick up Amaya from the floor.

"Yeah?" She said.

"Well. . seeing that Pepper and Tony are Christian's godparents. Steve and I would be honored for you to be Amaya's godmother." Katherine said. Natasha was surprised, but she quickly nodded her head.

"I would be honored." She said, kissing the baby on her cheek which made her giggle. Then there was a knock on the girls door.

"Wait, before you come in, who is it?" Katherine asked. If it was Steve, she would say no, because he can't see her right before she walks down the aisle. As an Italian, she grew up with superstitions, but bad luck on the wedding day? She never wanted to risk that. There was a laugh on the outside.

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