With the humans gone I realise how quite and still it is. I get used to their random talks regardless of how ridiculous they are but I don't want to form attachments to them.

Keeping my distance is essential yet strangely I crave for some form of contact. I ache for company, not wanting to be lonely and it scares me.

I should be able to get to live in isolation but I've become dependent on companionship. Companionship that has been taken away, forcing me to latch onto someone new even if they're human.

I hate it. I loath the thought of having connections. Things that are useless to me. Things that are just going to get me hurt again.

I'd rather physical torment than have to endure emotional pain once more.

I sigh and tromp along the side of the road.

I've walked from town to the house before so it's doable. It still doesn't make the distance an any less shorter. Walking officially sucks.

I suddenly wish I had a car. I don't think I'd be able to drive for shit but it would beat walking.

If people could ignore the holes in their walls due to my reckless driving.

I kick an empty bottle on the side of the road. The glass clinks against the tar sounding like mini bells. It keeps me distracted from my troubled thoughts. I don't want to think right now yet my mind to spite me wanders back to Axel.

That spot, so small it was like it wasn't there, had appeared on his soul, staining something white and pure, black.

But why?

What could possibly have happened that its starting to taint his very soul?

He doesn't seem like a vicious person. If anything he's calm and quiet.

I tap the bottle with my feet, trying to piece things together.

I peek over my shoulder, feeling tingles travel down my spine. The street is isolated. Not a soul wanders the night except a woman no older than thirty walking on the road.

She seems lost, looking down at the ground.

The woman drifts close to me and I slowly say, "Hello."

She doesn't even spare me a glance. I'm not sure if she even heard me, too caught up in a daze to take anything in.

"I don't like to be ignored, ghost. Can you hear me?"

She stops, her eyes gazing upwards. They are hollow. Empty. Yet they hold so much grief and sorrow. It pushes against her shoulders like slabs of concrete, weighing her down until she can barely hold herself. She's lonely.

I tilt my head, "Why don't you move on?"

Hair so blonde it's almost white, blows across her face. She can't even be bothered to push it out of her eyes.

"You're not human," she whispers in a voice like silk. It's smooth and soft although lacking emotion. A voice as empty as her eyes.

I smirk, "No, I'm not human. You're dodging the question."

"I can't. I can't move on."

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