Chapter 66: Hand in Hand

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Love, love, love (aka SMUTT). Last chapter, except for the epilogue.

---Alex's POV---

I followed John up the steps to the hallway that led to our dorm room, my head spinning. Not with questions. Just spinning.

John appeared rather shocked, his expression changed with the minute as he probably was struggling to comprehend his entire life through a new and different colored lens. Yet in the set of his shoulders, the draw of his eyebrows, the absent movements of his hand, I could tell he was absolutely comforted whether or not he realized it at the time.

"John?" I murmured as I walked in the door behind him.

He turned around and dropped any pretense of a smile in favor of an honest, shell shocked expression. I stepped forward, hugging him, and we just stood there, holding each other, until the pieces of our lives fell into the positions they were meant for.

---John's POV---

It was a surprise. Fuck it was a surprise. It was a surprise was making a molehill out of a mountain. But I wasn't erupting, because I didn't feel like I needed to erupt; I somehow wasn't punching a wall or starting a fight.

I knew Mother had done her best, and it wasn't her fault and I loved her unconditionally and she did what was right to the extent that she could and I knew there were secrets- I'd just imagined that box of suspicions and crushed it, I knew that they were out now, and I knew it was over. I just knew so much stuff now. I had no reason to be unhappy and given a few weeks, I might even stop feeling overwhelmed.

I guessed Mother felt pretty overwhelmed too, saying all those things for the first time, to do it to all three of her sons at once, to do it all at once, not piece by piece. Thank you for everything I know.

It didn't change much, in the grand scheme of things. I still loved Michael like a brother, I still cared about Mother more than anyone in the world- except, well, maybe tied with Alex- and I still considered Philip family because how could I not when I laughed and talked to and taught him every day? As for Mother, I only realized she was stronger than I'd ever imagined.

I burrowed closer into Alex's warm body under the blankets and felt him laugh just a little. He kissed the top of my head, and I nuzzled his clothes until I found his collarbone and kissed that.

He still smelled like coffee.

I felt Alex's fingers weaving their way deftly through my hair. I smiled at how obsessed Alex was with pulling my hair gently and letting the curls spring. It was pretty cute.

"I wonder who she was talking about." Alex mused into my hair.


"She said she...met someone else and it sounded kind of like this person was... romantically involved with her."

I blinked. After everything Mother had told us, I'd forgotten about that comment. "Well... who works here?"

"Mr. Heere?" suggested Alex.

I scrunched up my face. "I can't see it." I told Alex. "Also, Michael has a crush on Mr. Heere's son and Mother would have said something... otherwise that'd be really... I dunno, weird, right?"

Alex giggled, and I tilted my head up to look at him. "What?"

With a sheepish grin, Alex wiggled his eyebrows at me. "Is she gay? Or bi or something...?"

I shrugged, trying not to think too hard about it. "I... she always avoided answering... I think maybe but she isn't out of the closet actually..." I rushed on. "Why?"

Orphanage AU: LamsWhere stories live. Discover now