Chapter 35: Makeup

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No, the title doesn't have a deep meaning. Sorry. It's literally makeup.

---Peggy's POV---

It was funny to see all the little kids running around the store, carrying their gifts like treasures. It's the thought that counts, I guess. But I really only had eyes for Sally. I had liked her for a couple years in high school, but it was a casual crush. So casual I didn't even know it was a crush, because I was having a hard time, shall we say, figuring myself out. Panromantic bisexual is a hard thing to really figure out and officiate.

I dabbed at the makeup sample. Wasn't makeup a true gift? I wouldn't survive without doing my eyebrows every morning. "What do you think?" I wiggled my eyebrows at Sally, hoping she liked it. I was rather proud of this particular look.

Sally gazed at me quietly for a moment before she said in her soft little voice, "You look good. Like, you do, really." Oh, she was so angelic! That was a pretty high compliment coming from her.

I smiled, miming a coy, seductive woman, and dropped the act when Sally lowered her eyes mostestly. Damn. If I had manners like that... Oh well.

"Hey," I suggested, "Lemme do you." I laughed at Sally's alarmed expression.

"Who- me?" She actually looked behind her.

"Don't read me wrong, girl, you're hella cute. But. I wanna try." I bit my lip. Hella cute might've been too far.

"I don't know..." Sally looked nervous. "I don't usually use that much makeup."

I'd noticed. I noticed a lot of things about her lately. Ever since the Jefferson thing, I'd been wondering if my crush had been coming back. Normally, I'd enjoy teasing girls but with Sally I was more sensitive of her feelings. For some reason, I felt bad making her uncomfortable.

"It'll be fine," I assured her, trying to sound soothing, which is not my strong point.

"...The kids?" Sally asked responsibly, looking around. "We shouldn't lose them."

I rolled my eyes. "They don't need supervision for 10 minutes. That's all I need." I looked at her for permission.

Sally closed her eyes.

"Yes, girl, I love you!"

Shit, that sounded gay.

---Sally's POV---

I tried not to blush as I replayed Peggy and I speaking to each other... You're hella cute... Yes girl, I love you. Dammit. Just friend talk.

I needed to calm down before Peggy had to switch shades to accommodate my blush. Remember: You can't let anyone know you're not straight. You can't get into a relationship. If I did, that person would definitely be beaten up by Thomas.

I wished I could fix that I wasn't sure how. Lord, I felt so helpless.

Oh, her hand was cupping my cheek. Gently, more softly than I figured most of Peggy acted. I felt the gentle strokes of a brush on my lids and a minute later something fiddled with my eyelashes. I was so scared to see how I turned out. What if I looked hideous, like a witch? I knew I wasn't pretty, but I didn't use makeup because I didn't think it would help. It would just showcase the fact that I was trying- and failing- to look good.

I remembered Jefferson used to tell me to put on makeup, because I didn't look good enough. Then he told me I looked like a whore. But if I didn't wear makeup, well, let's just say the next day I'd have to wear makeup. I would have a couple things I would need to cover.

Peggy withdrew her hand. "Aand, done." I felt her hand come back before I could open my eyes. "Wait..." A couple more swipes. "Wait..." She let go again. "Lemme just get a mirror. You keep your eyes closed. Wait for it... wait for it..."

I waited.

"Okay!" My eyes fluttered open and nearly popped out of my head. I looked... well, I didn't mean to sound conceited but-

"I'm beautiful."

Peggy giggled. "Right you are. You're a stunner alright."

Peggy had applied very subtle makeup, quietly downplaying my flaws and calling attention to my better features without showing that they were on display. It still looked like I had barely any makeup on but I looked way better.

"What'd you do?" I asked, bewildered. Peggy just shrugged nonchalantly.

"Not much. I can teach you, if ya want." She snapped her gum and gave me a sideways glance.

Maybe I was paranoid, but I caught the flaw in that plan right away. We'd have to go to one of our houses. Together. I couldn't.

I scrambled for an understandable excuse, and dodged the invitation, saying lamely, "We better round up the kids, time's up."

Peggy looked a little hurt, but played it off as mock offense. I felt pretty bad. "Well, you dazzle any room, makeup or not, so..." She laughed. I felt worse.

Then I saw something that made me forget Peggy. My breath caught, my chest hurt, and I closed my eyes as if not seeing it would make it go away.

Fluffy, dense, curls.


"Yo girl, are you goo- oh." I felt a hand tug mine, pulling me back. U limply let myself stumble, eyes still sealed as if with glue. My foot slapped the carpeted floor, and I felt Peggy's... chest against my back as she steadied me, wrapping her arms round my figure.

"Sorry," I murmured as I stood.

Both of Peggy's arms wrapped around my own. "Sally," she breathed quietly, "Hey." I blushed as her warm breath floated across my cheek. "Can you open your eyes?"

I let them open for the second time in the last 3 minutes and steadied my breathing.

Peggy pointed down the narrow isle lined with makeup brands. "Bathroom." It was only one word, but it was all I needed. I could hear Thomas's- Jefferson's footsteps getting nearer.

Or maybe it was the thudding of my heart. Or the slap of my own steps as I dashed away.

---Peggy's POV---

Sally's gorgeous self disappeared around the corner of the isle right as Jefferson appeared on the other end, looking angry. Unsure if he'd seen her, I met his eyes rebelliously.

Looking past his guard, I thought he might've been a bit uncertain. His voice didn't sound so as he stated, "I heard someone else."

Wow. Way to cut to the chase. I gave him a so? Look. "...Good for you."

Jeffershit's eyes narrowed. "Sally's voice."

I responded with a cool shrug, internally cussing him out. "Cool."

"Where'd she go?"

I fired back, "Why are you looking for her, stalker?" I knew it was truly idiotic to pick a fight with Jeffershit, but if he wanted to lay a finger on Sally he could catch these hands.

"I was here looking for Jemmy." Looking surprised at himself for blurting that out, Jeffershit barreled on, "Where is she?"


He looked furious. And frustrated. Furiously frustrated.

Too fucking bad.

WELL HAPPY HALLOWEEN GUYS!! I'm going as Ahsoka Tano, and I'm actually super excited because my costume is FIRE. Anyway, have a good night!!

             -The Worst Writer on Wattpad

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