Chapter 5

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Merida woke up and something was off. She couldn't tell what it was, but the day just felt different. It was a normal morning, sword fighting with her brothers, dodging the idiot "men," and trying not to get her mum mad.

It wasn't until she was leaving after lunch that she was able to figure out why the day felt weird.

Merida had been looking forward to going to the clearing since the moment she woke up.

A Scot couldn't wait to go and be with a viking.

Today, Hiccup was the one waiting, practicing his archery while she tied Angus up.

"Dragon time," he finally said, putting his bow and arrows away. "We are going to fly to an island I found not far from here. You get to pick out a dragon."

"How are we getting there?"


Merida inwardly groaned. Hiccup was all smile, offering a hand from the dragon's back. She had to ride behind him to the island.

She climbed on, awkwardly holding on to him.

"Hold on tight!" he said before Toothless jumped into the air.

It was nothing like riding a horse. The sky was around her and the ground far away. The air twirling free and not confined to making it's way through trees.

Merida put an arm out, letting the wind run through her fingers like cool silk.

They landed two minutes after that in the middle of black ground and rock.

"Give me your weapons," Hiccup said.

"Are you crazy enough to think I'd give my weapons to a viking?"

"Look, dragons hate weapons. If you try to walk around with anything that can hurt them, they'll attack. Do you want to train a dragon or not?"

Merida sighed, knowing there was no other option. She took off all her weapons, giving them to him. He put them under a rock and gestured for her to follow.

Dragons. Dragons of all types were everywhere. They all eyed her suspiciously, cautiously moving forward.

"Hold out your hand like this," Hiccup instructed, demonstrating. She did the same thing, and a blue and silver dragon neared.

It's eyes were slits as it sniffed her, but the they became wider as it got near her. It slowly pressed it's head against her hand, and Hiccup clapped.

"Good job, you're caught yourself a girl Monstrous Nightmare!"

"A Monstrous Nightmare?" she asked, slowly stroking the dragons snout like she would Angus. Her wings were attached to her feet, and her tail swished back and forth. She was a beautiful dragon.

"You've got to come up with a name," Hiccup said, interrupting her thoughts of attacking the idiots.

"A name?"


Merida thought for a moment before smiling. "Arian Glas."

"What does that mean?"

"Blue Silver."

He laughed. "How very original. Okay, now that she trusts you, you get to ride her."

"How? She doesn't have a saddle."

"You can ride dragons bareback, like horses. Saddles just make it more comfortable. It's easier to ride Monstrous Nightmares right here," Hiccup explained, pointing to a spot on Arian Glas' neck.

Merida carefully got on, and he showed her how to steer using her horns. He got on Toothless and she edged Arian Glas off the ground.

She was free. For probably the first time in her life, Merida felt free. The wind blew through her hair in a way that was impossible to do on the ground. Arian Glas seemed to be smiling along with her rider, doing turns and twists mid air.

Merida laughed, sticking out both arms and breathing in deeply. This was freedom.

"Having fun?" Hiccup called. Toothless was gliding next to them, looking as if he was smirking.

"No, this is the saddest day of my life," she called back, smiling broadly. He laughed.

"Wanna race?"

"You're on!"

"Go!" Hiccup was off, and Merida egged Arian Glas on. They very nearly caught up, but the race ended when they landed in the clearing.

"You're going to be eating my dust for a long time," he said, smirking.

"Says who?"

"Toothless is a Night Fury, the fastest dragon ever. A Monstrous Nightmare can't possibly compete with that."

"Don't listen to the mean man," Merida said to Arian Glas, stroking her scaly snout. Arian Glas nodded, body lighting on fire. She yelped, jumping back while he laughed.

"I forgot to tell you, Monstrous Nightmare's have a nasty habit of setting themselves on fire," Hiccup managed through his laughter. At first Merida glared, but then she was laughing as well.

When their breathing went back to normal, Hiccup told her he'd take Arian Glas to Berk to hang out with Toothless while he made her saddle. After the saddle was done, Merida could ride Arion Glas anytime she wanted.

"See you tomorrow?" he asked.

"Of course. Your archery is atrocious."

They parted ways, and as Merida rode Angus back, she began to look forward to the next day.

What was wrong with her?

From Me To You: A Mericcup StoryWhere stories live. Discover now