Chapter ten - Before we go

Start from the beginning

Gabriel realized his mistake and laughed a bit. But his mood didn't stay good for long as he was feeling down about everything.

"Hey, Samsquatch would you maybe like to get out of here for today?" The archangel looked down onto the table.

Sam was confused since he had no idea why Gabriel reacted that way. "Sure but only if you tell me what's wrong."

The other sighed. "Okay. I'm worried because there is a chance some of us might die. But that isn't the worst thing."

"How is death not the worst thing?" Sam tilted his head to the side in confusion. He looked a bit like a confused dog.

"The worst thing is:" Gabriel paused for a while until collecting his courage to continue. "That I can't tell you how I really feel about you when I die. And how I won't be able to ask you on a date."

Sam was in utter shock. "Are you joking because if so it is not funny." He was overwhelmed and didn't know what to say.

"It isn't a joke."

"Gabriel" He stopped speaking for a second to find the right words. "Let's go on a date today!"

"For real?" The archangel was stunned by the other's reply. But as the hunter nodded a wide smile spread across his face. "Okay then let's go!" He jumped up from his chair and grabbed Sam's hand happily.

Gabriel then teleported them to the central park. He took his hand smiling happily. "So, I have  some ideas but are you okay with being surprised?"

Sam lightly squeezed the other's hand. "Sure. Just take me where you want to go together I'm sure it will be fun."

"You're brave." Gabe chuckled and teleported them to a carnival. "Okay, welcome to my first spot on the list."

"A carnival?" Sam was a bit confused.

"Yes!" Gabriel smiled excitedly. "It has it's charm, believe me, Samsquatch."

The hunter looked around and just smiled to himself. He had never really been on a carnival at least not to have fun. "Okay, So what do you wanna ride first, then?"

The archangel saw his chance as a wide smile grew on his face. "You."

Sam was a bit overwhelmed as a chuckle escape his mouth even though he tried his best to look annoyed. "You are unbelievable."

"I know." Gabriel took his arm again and went up to a shitty Ferris wheel.  He then bought tickets and he and Sam got in.

As they stopped at the top he noticed Sam smiling. The hunter was in awe by the view as they could see over the whole city. But little did he know that the angle was enjoying a different kind of view.

Gabriel was just staring at him. He thought that the other looked way too adorable smiling like that.

After they came back down they rode other things. The two also got photos from a photo booth. Gabriel "won" a plushie for Sam as well. Even though Sam was sure that he cheated and used his angelic powers.

But he couldn't care less as he saw the angel's proud smile as he held up a little platypus. So he just went along with it since he thought it was cute.

After they strolled along the carnival Gabriel teleported them to another location. He also teleported the pictures and the plushie into Sam's room.

They arrived at a shooting range. Sam looked at him confused as a shooting range wasn't your normal date location. Not that he hated it he was just confused.

"Thought we could do something you're good at." He smiled. "Also you can show me how to shoot. You know like in all the movies."

Sam smiled and they signed in. They each got their guns. While the hunter put his' aside to assist the other Gabriel held his sideways. He was trying to shot like they sometimes do in movies.

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