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"Wh-What are we going to do?" Kathryn asked.
"We have to find something to get this fluid out of Ethan's body!" Amy exclaimed.
"But what about Tyler?" Kathryn asked. "What if he's struggling with Dr. Carson?"

Kathryn was right. What about Tyler? We couldn't just let Tyler fight Dr. Carson all by himself. We also couldn't leave Ethan to die either. We needed to make a decision, and quickly. Or else we could lose both of them.

"I don't know about you guys... but I'm going to help Tyler." I responded. I reached into my back pocket, pulling out a pocket blade I had kept in there the entire time. As I pressed the button, the blade swiped up.

"All my life I was a ghoul hunter." I continued. "Killing any ghoul that came into our path. But then Ethan came along, and gave us experiences that I never thought would be possible. Now he's human, and Tyler is a ghoul. I'm not going to kill my best friend, I never will. But I am going to kill the person who made both of them suffer."

The two of them were silent, probably taking in what I had just said. Part of myself was proud I had said what I said, because I had kept it in the entire time.

Amy finally spoke, "You've had that blade with you the entire time?"
I slouched, "I just gave a heartfelt message I've been keeping in this entire time, and that's what you come up with?"
"I'm just wondering!" Amy said. "And also, I don't think that will do us much with Dr. Carson."
"It's better than nothing." I responded.
"Alright, you two go and help Tyler, I'll stay here and try to save Ethan!" Kathryn interrupted.
"Yeah, you're right, let's go!" I said.

Amy nodded and the two of us headed upstairs to help Tyler.


I fell down to the floor, suffering another blow to my head. Dr. Carson has me pinned down to the floor, his face and hands covered in his own blood from my attacks from earlier.

"Just give it up, kid!" Dr. Carson said. "You will never amount to anything. I will always be stronger than you!"
"You know, Dr. Morgan might have been an ass like you, but he always believed in me." I responded.
"He had to say that because he was the doctor taking care of you!" Dr. Carson claimed. "He never cared about you!"
"Just like how you never cared about Ethan!" I exclaimed. "You wanted to make him your next meal!"
"It would have taken a while longer, but it would have been worth it." Dr. Carson grunted, struggling to keep me in his grip.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I poisoned him." Dr. Carson said. "So I could stop his heart. Once the fluids left his system I would have been able to feast on him."

I kicked my legs off of his body and kicked him right in the gut. He clutched his stomach and I quickly got up, attempting to tackle him to the ground, but he still threw me off.

"Your friends make a mistake going to save him." Dr. Carson explained. "It's useless, he's already dead!"
"I was supposed to have died days ago at that hospital." I told him. "But you gave me a second chance of life by having me become a monster. If you can do that, then I can save Ethan."
"Good luck with that." Dr. Carson smiles menacingly.

Just then, we heard the door barge open and Amy and Mark came running into the room. Mark held a blade in his hand, pointing it at Dr. Carson.

"Wow... what a scary looking weapon you have there!" Dr. Carson sarcastically remarked. "I am absolutely terrified."
"Just shut up!" Mark yelled. "This is a blade used to kill ghouls. One wrong move and you're done..."
"Ahh, so you're back to hunting ghouls... that was quick!" Dr. Carson said. "What's going to happen after you kill me, will you kill Tyler next?"
"Never..." Mark responded. "Tyler is my friend and always will be, ghoul or not."
"Aww, how sweet!" Dr. Carson said.

Mark immediately ran after Dr. Carson, barely hitting Dr. Carson before dodging his attack. Dr. Carson snuck up behind him and punched the lower part of his back, causing Mark to hit the ground. Amy came up from behind Dr. Carson and swung her fist at him. Dr. Carson stumbled, but didn't fall. I decided to jump in and hit him again, this time pinning him again to the ground, making sure he stayed on the ground. Mark got up from the ground, the blade still in his hand and stabbed Dr. Carson right in his chest. He continued to scream as Mark dug his blade into his chest several more times before the screaming faded away and his body went limp.

Amy quickly grabbed Mark and pulled him away from Dr. Carson's body.

"Mark, Mark, it's all over, you did it." She told him.

Mark took several more breaths before finally settling himself down and gave her a nod. Amy took the knife away from him just to be safe.

Mark walked over to me and gave me a look before looking back at Dr. Carson's body.

"Would you like to finish the job?" He asked me.

I looked down at the body. My mouth watered. I was very tempted to feast on him. But I didn't want to become more of a monster than I already was.

"No... no I'm okay..." I told him.

Mark patted me on the shoulder and helped me off of the floor.

"Let's go down to Kathryn and Ethan." Mark suggested.

Amy and I nodded as we began to head down the stairs.

As we made our way down to the room where Kathryn and Ethan were at, we noticed the room a complete mess. Kathryn sitting by Ethan's side. She looked up at us, her face red from crying.

"We're too late..."

Californian Ghoul (A CrankGamePlays fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat