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I quickly left the room and headed over to the main desk where a couple of nurses were working behind the desk.

"Hi, can I please get the name of the doctor in room 404?" I asked. "Tyler Scheid's doctor?"
"Sir, his doctor is working on another patient right now." The nurse responded.
"Please, I need to speak with him privately as soon as possible!" I exclaimed.
"He is currently operating on a patient, it should be another half hour to an hour." The nurse responded back, with a much harsher tone.
"Please, I don't know if there will be any time left afterwards." I explained. "My friend is dying as we speak and if I can't talk to him soon it'll probably be too late."
"I will do my best to get into contact with him, but I doubt he will be able to respond at this time." The nurse stated.

As the nurse was about to reach over to the phone, I quickly grabbed onto her wrist, holding it tightly.

"Sir, let go of me!" She yelled, trying to force her hand off of me. It didn't work.
A couple of the other nurses were trying to intervene, but before they could approach us, I yelled, "Stay back!"

Immediately, everybody froze and stood right where they were.

I then looked at the nurse, who's wrist I was still gripping tightly onto. I then leaned in close enough to where she could be the only one that could hear me.

"I really hate to have to say this ma'am... but I am a ghoul." I whispered to the nurse. "And I would like to speak with whoever Tyler Scheid's doctor is... as soon as possible."

Her eyes widened as she heard me say that. Without any hesitation, she nodded and I let go of her. She frantically picked up the phone and began dialing. She then held the phone up to her ear, her hand trembling as she held the phone.

"Please... I need Dr. Stevenson up in the Intensive Care Unit stat!" She said over the phone. "There is somethi— someone who needs to speak with him."

After a couple moments, she hung up the phone and looked at me, a look of fear still in her eyes.

"Th-The doctor will be up here shortly..." She stuttered.

I nodded before walking away from the desk, walking up and down the halls, waiting for the doctor.

After fifteen minutes, the elevator doors opened and a doctor began walking out. I immediately approached him.

"Are you Dr. Stevenson?" I asked.
"Yes." He responded. "Are you the one who needed to speak with me?"
"Yes." I nodded. "Can we please talk somewhere private?"

The doctor gave me a strange look but then looked down the hallway. He then directed me over to where he was going and I followed him into an unused room. Just to make sure we were in privacy, he pulled the curtain all the way across the room.

"Please, make this quick." The doctor said, "I was in the middle of a surgical procedure."
"I'm sorry." I said. "But I wanted to talk to you in regards to one of your patients, Tyler Scheid."
"Alright, what is it?" He asked.

I paused for a slight moment. Not knowing how to explain what I was going to say to him. It's not like I could just say I'm a ghoul, right?

"D-Do you remember the experiment a bunch of doctors performed on humans with ghouls?" I asked. "When they transferred their organs into the humans?"
The doctor raised an eyebrow, "What does that have to do with the patient?"
"You may think this is crazy..." I continued. "But I happen to be a ghoul, and Tyler is my friend, and I want that procedure done to him to save his life."

The doctor was silent. I was ready to have him shake his head and leave the room, knowing I was probably wasting his time. But instead, he leaned in closer to me.

"You're a ghoul?" The doctor asked. "And you're willing to end your own life, to save a humans life?"
"Yes sir." I nodded.

The doctor looked at me, seemingly with disbelief. It didn't surprise me though, because ghouls are considered deadly and heartless creatures in society.

He sighed, "Alright. This is short notice... but I will cancel all my future appointments today."
"You'll do it?" I asked.
"It has a chance of not being successful, but it's worth a shot." The doctor stated.
I smiled, "Thank you so much, sir."
"Don't thank me yet." The doctor claimed. "Thank me when the operation is successful."
"But... I won't be alive..." I said.
"Anyways..." The doctor interrupted. "Go back into the room the patient is in and I'll be back shortly."
"Okay." I nodded.

I watched as the doctor left the room, but I still stayed in the empty room for a short few moments.

What was I going to say to Mark, Amy and Kathryn? How are they going to feel about what I'm doing? Mark didn't want me to do any of this to begin with, who knows how he'll feel when he finds out...
How do you think Mark, Amy and Kathryn will feel?
Comment below!

More to come soon!

Californian Ghoul (A CrankGamePlays fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant