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We immediately went and rushed Tyler to the hospital ourselves. We knew if we had called paramedics ourselves and they came into the building, not only would they be suspicious of the ghouls lying all over the building, but they would also call us out for trespassing even though it was not our fault.

Amy and Kathryn still continued to keep putting pressure on Tyler's bite wound while at the same time keeping him conscious. I watched as Tyler kept nearly dozing off and his face grew paler and paler. I kept growing uneasy and my mouth continued to water as the smell of Tyler's flesh and blood grew stronger and stronger. I ended up having to bite into my own shirt and cover my face to keep myself from biting or smelling anybody else.

Finally, we made our way to the hospital. Amy, Kathryn and Mark immediately rushed Tyler into the emergency room. I followed right behind them but stopped as I felt a presence behind me. I turned around, not seeing anybody, but something told me to go behind the hospital building, so I did.

As soon as I got there, I noticed Signe leaning up against the wall, carrying a small grocery bag.

"How the hell did you get here so fast?" I asked.
"Just drink this and I'll answer your questions." Signe sassed.

She threw the grocery bag over to me. I opened the bag and found several bags filled with blood. I looked up at Signe, growing uneasy after seeing how she poisoned the other ghouls.

"Don't worry, they're not poisoned." Signe assured me. "I actually took it from the hospital."

I hesitated, but then ripped open the first bag, chugging the first bag into my throat within less than 30 seconds. I then looked over at Signe, who was simply smiling at me.

"I'm guessing you were parched" Signe remarked.
"I thought you said you would explain everything?" I asked
"Oh yeah..." Signe responded.
"Start off by telling me what you are." I demanded.
"I'm a Leviathan." Signe answered. "That black ooze that came out of my body was my blood, it poisons other monsters."
"Well, it clearly didn't poison Brian that much!" I exclaimed.
"It poisoned him just as much as everybody else, Brian was just a bit stronger than the rest." Signe explained. "We just had to wait for him to finally succumb to the poison."
"And look where that got us..." I responded. "Tyler's almost dead now because you didn't do shit!"
"What else could I have done?" Signe asked. "Besides the poison in my body there's nothing else I could have done."
"You could have at least distracted him or something!" I exclaimed.
"Trust me, I'm terrible at that." Signe remarked.

I was silent, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"What the hell kind of Leviathan are you?" I asked. "I thought they were supposed to be scary looking, or at least badass!"
"Don't believe what you read in books and see on television." Signe claimed. "We only have the Leviathan blood and that's it."
"Are there any other of your kind?" I asked.
"Not that I know of by name, but they are around." Signe responded. "Unlike you ghouls, we're rare and we can blend in better with society."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked.
"Well, for one thing, we don't have to worry about the scents of human beings." Signe explained. "We also don't panic around other humans... and don't even get me started on your hunger for human flesh..."
I could tell by the look on her face that she was bringing up Jack's death.
"I'm guessing you're still pissed off at me for that..." I said.
"You're actually lucky I don't have your head on a stick right now." Signe remarked.
"Well, you know you lied to Jack about who you really were." I remarked.
"Did I?" Signe wondered. "Because after we met and got to know each other a little more, he asked me if I was a ghoul. He never asked me if I was human. So technically, I was telling the truth this whole time."
"But he still told all of us you were human!" I argued.
"Because he assumed I was." Signe responded.
"Well, doesn't it bother you a little bit that you never told him the truth?" I asked.
"Not really..." Signe shrugged. "Because I did have plans on telling him, but somebody ruined that for me..."
I rolled my eyes, "Could you please just shut up and stop blaming me for all this crap?" I yelled. "You try living in a world where everywhere you go, you have to expose yourself to the scents of all the humans around you and your mouth waters every single moment of every day as your hunger and thirst goes through the roof, but you have to keep it all hidden in order to fit in and not be considered a monster! Because clearly, you don't have that issue!"

I immediately walked away, having had enough of her. There were still tons of questions that I had for her. But they would just have to wait to be answered.

I went into the emergency room waiting area, where I noticed Mark, Amy and Kathryn sitting in a few of the chairs.

"Where in the hell were you?" Mark asked.
"I'm sorry... I just had to step out for a bit..." I responded.
"It's fine, Ethan." Amy assured me, scolding Mark.
"H-How's Tyler?" I asked.
"Not good..." Kathryn said. "They're patching up his wound but they told us his body isn't taking any of the blood being given to him."
"So what does that mean?" I asked.
"It means he won't survive if his body won't take any of the blood..." Amy responded.
Mark sighed, "I-I can't lose another friend... not again..."

I couldn't help but feel guilty again about me having killed Jack, and now I can't help but blame myself if Tyler doesn't make it. If I had recovered quicker during that fight, Tyler wouldn't have been harmed.

Suddenly, for some reason, my mind focused on Signe again. I could tell she was still standing where she was before. As if she was waiting for me to come back and finish our conversation. I then turned over to Mark.

"Mark..." I began. "There's something I want to show you."
Mark looked over at me, "What do you mean?"
"I-It's outside." I responded.

I could tell Mark had that look of suspicion on his face. Of course he would, because a ghoul telling him to go outside behind the hospital by himself, and he's basically defenseless. But, despite all that, Mark nodded and stood up. Amy and Kathryn stayed in the waiting area.

He followed me outside of the hospital and went around to the back and he paused as he saw Signe.

"What's she doing here?" He asked.
"She gave me some answers..." I told him. "Maybe she can answer some of yours."
How do you think Mark and Signe's confrontation will go?
Do you think Tyler will survive?
Comment below!

More to come soon!

Californian Ghoul (A CrankGamePlays fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu