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I stood there, absolutely still, comprehending what Dr. Morgan had just told me. But I was also confused.

"But... when I was dying in the hospital... they told me I barely had any blood left." I said. "Only enough to keep me living for another day or two."
Dr. Morgan gave me a stern look, "Did you seriously think you lost that much blood after you were bitten by that ghoul?"
"Yes, actually." I nodded. "Because I almost died before from a ghoul."
"Tyler, we took that blood from you." Dr. Morgan explained. "We took as much blood as we could from you without actually killing you."
My jaw dropped and my heart sank, "So you told my friends I was dying so that Ethan could feel guilty and make the choice to sacrifice himself and turn me into this monster to save me?"
"It wasn't to make him feel guilty." Dr. Morgan explained. "This is the first time we have ever seen a collaboration between a ghoul and human beings, and we wanted to see the outcome of it. We didn't think it would get this far."
"So then after removing all of Ethan's blood, you put my blood into Ethan's body? And then you put his human blood into my body?" I asked.
"It was all planned." Dr. Morgan stated. "It was never out of curiosity like we had originally told you."
"And I'm guessing me attacking Ethan was planned as well? And that's why you guys didn't even bother staying in the room?"
"That's correct..."

I could feel a sense of anger and hatred boiling through my body. Suddenly, Dr. Morgan's scent smelled pleasing. I wanted to kill him.

"How long have you planned this whole thing?" I asked.
"Ever since we received news about the ghoul attack." Dr. Morgan said.

He then faced the door, his face growing uneasy.

"I-I've already said way too much." He said.

He was about to head out the door, but before he could open and leave the room, I quickly ran up and slammed the door shut, pushing the door to keep it shut. I looked at Dr. Morgan, with a look of shock on his face.

"You're not going anywhere, until you tell me everything..." I told him.
"I've said enough." Dr. Morgan said.
"You better not test me again, Doctor." I threatened. "I've suddenly grown very hungry and while your scent may not be pleasing, I'm sure you still taste great!"

I could tell he was scared. The look of fear in his face said it all. But he still kept his composure.

"Mr. Scheid, you will not feed on me." Dr. Morgan said.
"Why? Because you want me to adapt to human society like you've always kept telling me?" I asked. "Or is that some bullshit as well and you just don't want to die?"
"Yes, yes... its all bull..." Dr. Morgan suddenly caved. "We were never going to release you or Ethan."
"So we're just going to be your puppets, right?" I asked.
"Yes... yes... if that's what you want to call it." Dr. Morgan stuttered.
"And what about Mark, Amy and Kathryn?" I asked. "What were you going to do to them?"
"The same exact thing we had you do to Ethan." Dr. Morgan said. "Although, your reactions to them would be different because their scents are much different than Ethan's."
"How do you even know about their scents?" I asked.

Dr. Morgan grew still, almost lifeless. I could see his hands trembling. I gave him another menacing look, hoping he would cave again and answer.

And, he did...

"B-Because Dr. Carson is a ghoul..."
My eyes widened. "How?" I asked. "How is he a ghoul when he is constantly around other humans?"
"Mr. Scheid, you are not the only person who is half human and half ghoul." Dr. Morgan explained. "Dr. Carson was born a ghoul from a human mother. His father was a ghoul. However, you are the first human-turned-Ghoul."
"How has he been able to hide it for so long?" I asked.
"Because his behavior has been more human like. Yours however, is leaning towards the ghoul side." Dr. Morgan explained. "But Dr. Carson can easily become his ghoul state whenever he wants. I've seen him feast on the bodies who have just perished."
"But Ethan is now human." I said. "He's probably going to hurt him!"
"That I'm not sure of." He said.
"I don't care, we need to get him out of here and I need to get rid of Dr. Carson."
"NO!" Dr. Morgan exclaimed, grabbing my arm. "You must not tell anybody what I have just told you. I could be terminated from this! I am the only one who knows his true form."

I was silent. I didn't know what to respond. I didn't want to just forget about it. I needed to tell Ethan and the others.

"Please, just act as if I told you nothing." Dr. Morgan pleaded. "We will figure something out later."

By the time "later" comes, Ethan and my friends will be dead. I wanted to say, but instead I only nodded.

Dr. Morgan's shoulders slouched as some tension was released from his body as I removed my hand from the door to finally let him out.

I sat down on my bed and waited. But I didn't want to sit here and play along, I didn't want to wait. I wanted to get me and my friends out of here as soon as possible.

But how??

Dr. Morgan quickly walked down the hallway and into the elevator, pressing the button to go up to another floor. His heart racing as he had just told Tyler everything that he was told not to by Dr. Carson. Now that he knows, who knows what will happen?

He quickly took a few deep breaths before putting on a serious face behind his fearful face as the elevator door opened and he stepped out.

He walked down the hallway and into his office, shutting the door behind him.

But as he turned around towards his desk...


He could feel something pierce through his heart and a burning sensation ran through his chest. His ability to breathe suddenly halted.

As he hit the floor, his vision became blurry as he continuously gasped for air. Through his blurry vision, he saw a figure standing over him and leaning down on him.

It was Dr. Carson.

"Thanks for everything, Dr. Morgan..." He could hear Dr. Carson say as Dr. Morgan's vision suddenly became dark.

Dr. Carson's mouth watered and he licked his lips.

And without any hesitation, he feasted on his body.
Hey guys!!!

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More to come soon!

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