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We all just stared at Signe as she continued smiling and laughing. Suddenly, Brian, who actually was still alive, grabbed onto her.

"Did you all seriously think I was human this entire time?" Signe asked.

Brian immediately looked over at the five of us.

"I NEED BLOOD!" Brian yelled.

Without any hesitation, Mark, Amy, Kathryn and Tyler made a run for it. Mark pushed Tyler to the very front to make sure Brian wouldn't get to him. I stayed behind the rest to make sure that he had to get through me in order to get to the rest of them.

As we were running, I looked behind me, suddenly finding no sign of Brian anywhere. However, as I turned back around, I noticed Brian falling right on top of Amy. He somehow managed to gather the strength to leap right over me and get to them first.

Amy screamed because that was the only thing she could do. We didn't have any of our weapons to stop him.

But, they had me.

Without any hesitation, before Brian could actually harm Amy, I tackled him right to the ground. I kept him pinned against the floor for as long as I could. I watched as the black ooze continued to come out of his mouth and his skin was beginning to change color, just like with all the other ghouls. But for some reason, it was happening much slower with him.

"You can't keep me like this forever!" Brian hissed.
"Well pretty soon you'll be too weak to fight." I responded.
"Oh yeah?" He suddenly responded.

Before I could even question what he meant, Brian immediately sat up, grabbing me by the arm. Turns out, I wasn't even pinning him to the ground like I had thought.

Then, as if I were a rag doll, he threw me right across the room, ending up slamming my head against a wall before falling to the ground, completely blacking out.


Our eyes widened as we saw Ethan tackle Brian to the ground, keeping him pinned to the ground. Ethan was actually doing it, he was going to be able to stop Brian!

But just as those thoughts went through my head, I noticed Brian sit up and throw Ethan all the way across the room. We watched as he hit the wall and fell to the ground. He wasn't moving.

Ethan... No... don't be unconscious! Please get up!

But he still wasn't moving. And Brian was coming after us again. We had no choice but to try and run again. But we knew we couldn't. He was too fast, even after being poisoned by Signe. 

There was nobody to defend us now while we were running, but we still kept going. I decided to be the one to stay behind the rest of the group in case anything happened.

And just like I had thought, I felt Brian grab my leg and I fell right on my face, Brian instantly pinning me to the ground. 

"KATHRYN!" I could hear Amy scream.

But her screaming wouldn't help. We didn't have anything as long as Ethan was still unconscious. I knew it was time for me to accept my fate.

However, just as Brian was about to bite down on me, somebody immediately tackled Brian right off of me. 

I immediately sat up, looking over to see who had pushed Brian off of me. I thought it was Ethan, but it wasn't him. 

It was Tyler.


I opened my eyes, my vision blurry and my head throbbing. I could hear screams, and it terrified me. My friends were probably being eaten alive right now and I couldn't stop them. 

Before I could even sit up, I felt somebody grabbing me and pulling me up on my feet. 

It was Signe.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"Ask me questions later." Signe immediately responded.

I nodded as the two of us began running over towards Brian, who was on top of Tyler!

"Shit!" I hissed to myself.

I quickly ran and pushed Brian off of Tyler again, tackling him to the ground. Unlike last time, he actually fought back. But for some reason, he wasn't actually fighting to try and kill me, he kept fighting me to try to escape me and get to the others. But I wasn't going to let him. Every chance he had to escape I kept getting on top of him, keeping him away from my friends. But the more he kept fighting, the more tired I got. But I kept myself right on top of him.

Suddenly, Brian used what was possibly the last of his strength to throw me off one last time. It wasn't as far as he had thrown me before, but it was far enough to where I couldn't get to the group quickly enough, and he was right near them. 

I watched as Mark stood in front of the rest of the group, who was huddled on the floor, coming face to face with Brian. My heart began racing. I wanted to try and get to him somehow, but for some reason, I stood right where I was and watched as Brian grabbed Mark and pinned him against the wall next to him. 

"NO!" I screamed.

Brian then took a bite out of Mark's shoulder. But nothing happened. No blood came out, no skin, not even the piece of clothing he bit into from Mark's shirt. It was if he was taking a normal human bite. 

Brian looked at Mark and started backing away, looking at both the group and me before finally falling to the ground. 

Mark and I looked at each other from across the room. I then looked over at Signe, who had a smirk on her face. 

Thanks for the help... I thought to myself.

"GUYS WE NEED HELP!" Kathryn screamed.

Mark and I immediately went over to Amy and Kathryn, who were trying to tend to Tyler. As I got a closer look, I noticed Tyler barely conscious with a huge bite on the side of Tyler's neck. Amy and Kathryn were both trying to keep him awake while applying pressure to his wound. But it didn't seem to be helping...

I suddenly could smell Tyler's blood while at the same time feeling a rush of guilt go throughout my entire body. It made me feel incredibly nauseous.

This all happened because I couldn't be there to help... If I hadn't had taken that blow to the head, if I at least tried to stay conscious, none of this would have happened....


Yep! I decided to publish two chapters today! Mainly because this was a two parter

Anyways, sorry for the crappy ending to this chapter lol :P

But what do you think will happen next? Will Tyler survive? Comment below!

More to come!


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