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The next day, Mark woke up early to pick up Jack from the airport. For some reason I began to grow nervous. I've never met this guy before, and since he knew somebody who used to be a ghoul, would he know that I was one?

I went downstairs and met up with the others. I overheard a conversation they were having.

"Okay, I was thinking maybe we should go here first and then go around." I heard Amy tell the others.

I became confused, what were they talking about?

I finally decided to walk in on their conversation.

"What're you guys doing?" I asked.
"Mark decided last minute to take Jack and his girlfriend to Disneyland." Tyler answered.
"Disneyland?" I responded. "I-I've never been there."

Everybody suddenly gasped, so loud that I actually jumped a little.

"How have you never been to Disneyland before?" Kathryn asked,
"Have you been to Disney world?" Tyler asked.
"Wait, there's a Disney World?" I responded.
"Holy crap! Did they teach you nothing up there in Maine?" Amy asked.

I blushed. I was never told of these places by my family. But based on their reactions, it's probably a popular and fun place. My family tried to avoid popular places because they tended to be crowded, which could set us all off if we weren't careful. This made me nervous.

"Okay, that's it, as soon as Jack gets here we're going!" Tyler exclaimed.
"I-Is it seriously that big of a deal that I haven't been to Disneyland?" I asked.
"Yes." Kathryn instantly nodded. "Yes it is."

Chica began to bark and grow excited as she ran over to the front of the house. That meant Mark must've finally came back with Jack and his girlfriend.

We all immediately went up to the front of the house to welcome Jack and his girlfriend. As the door opened, Mark came in followed by Jack, who had dark green hair and lots of facial hair. His girlfriend who was shorter, had short, brown, wavy hair was right beside him.

He went around and gave hugs to everybody before he saw me. My heart slightly raced because of the way he looked at me. It was that occasional who is this kid? Kind of face, but obviously my mind made me think other things.

"Oh Jack, this is Ethan!" Mark introduced. "He basically moved here to start life over after some things happened in his life."
I rolled my eyes, "Mark, that's way too much information."
Mark ignored me, "Ethan this is Jack. My best friend from Ireland! And this is his girlfriend Signe!"
Jack smiled, "nice to meet you dude!"

Jack held out his hand and I shook it. I could feel the warmth from his hand hit me and I was immediately introduced with a scent of his blood. I immediately held my breath and let go of his hand.

"Is he okay?" Jack asked Mark.
"Yeah, he's just a completely introverted kid from Maine who doesn't know what the hell Disneyland is!" Tyler explained.
Mark looked over at me with surprise, "Dude, really?"'
"Tyler, can you please just shut up?" I asked.
"We're going to Disneyland?" Jack asked.
"That was supposed to be a surprise, TYLER!" Mark exclaimed.
"I know! Sorry!" Tyler responded.
"Well, I can't wait to go then!" Jack said.
"Yeah, me neither!" Signe added.
"Alright then, we'll head out in a few minutes then!" Mark said.

We all made our last minute preparations before going into the car and going to Disneyland. Apparently it's supposed to be the most magical place on earth. I don't really believe in Magic though, so I doubt it.

After a half hour of driving, we finally arrived in Disneyland. We all got out of the car and headed through the entrance. As soon as we made it through the entrance, my eyes widened as I saw huge crowds of people walking down an area of Disneyland called Main Street and just beyond the pathway was a large castle.

I suddenly got extreme anxiety as the scents of maybe hundreds, maybe even thousands of people caught me off guard. I wanted to scream and run away. My hunger and thirst rose extremely high. I wanted to go back to the house and curl in a corner somewhere.

I suddenly felt somebody grab my arm. I turned around as I saw Mark looking at me with concern. But thankfully, it brought me back into reality.

"Are you alright, man?" Mark asked.
"Yeah... s-sorry." I stuttered. "Huge crowds just throw me off guard."
"Well, knowing you spent a good amount of your life away from places like this, it probably does." Tyler responded.
"Do you want to start walking around until we find a good ride with a decent wait time?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, let's do that!" Mark responded.

As we began walking down Main Street towards the castle and past enormous crowds, my thirst and hunger intensified even more. Every time I passed by another human being, I could smell their scent. It was even worse with it being hot outside, their sweat making it unbearable for me.

Was I dragged to this place as part of some sort of test? Or was it to actually have fun? Because right now, I am not having any fun...
Hey guys!
I decided to make this into a two parter instead of making it an extremely long chapter! I'm so excited to write the next part. Things get real interesting and terrifying from there!

More to come!

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