Too Early For This! 🍋

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You woke up to a burst of maniacal laughter, "IT'S MORNING!! TIME TO FIND THAT CREEP!!


"You said I could kill him today! You lying to me!" He threw the pillow back.

"I'm not lying, but some of us are trying to fucking sleep. We're on holidays for Pete sake!"

"Well since you're awake." Sexy smirk.

"What now?" You struggle to sit up. Seeing the smirk on his face you knew what he meant now. Your face instantly heated up.

"You know what. Since I can't go kill that creep..." He maniacal laughs, "I'm gunna fuck you twice as hard!!"

That laugh, ahh. Fuck! It turns you on, even small part of your psychotic side sweeps through. You quickly place your hand on your face, try to control it.

"Why are you covering your face for? Don't tell me you gonna shy all sudden."

"Your laugh... It... It..."

"What about my laugh?"

"Other than it turning me on..." You try to muffle your own maniacal laugh.

"Wait are you... Laughing? That's a crazy laugh!"

"Yep... You keep laughing... Well, we're going to have a killing spree! Or..."

"Killing spree? Fuck yeah, let's go!! Wait... Or what?" He would love to go on the killing spree. But what was the or?

"I bet you can fuck me four times as hard! You know that feeling you get when you slice someone?"

"Fuck I've almost forgotten the feeling."

"Yeah well... Ahaha... When you fuck me... It feels so much better than slicing someone open!"

"Aha, I have to agree! Fucking you the best feeling!"

You pull him onto the bed straddle him. You started to grind him, getting a growl out of him.

"You better not start teasing me!"

"And what if I do huh? You going to fuck?" You lean down to his ear, "cause that's exactly what I want!"

You dive your hand into his boxers, started pumping him. Gaining more growls and even a few fucks.

"Fucking bitch! Stop fucking t-" before he could even finish his sentence, you pulled his boxers down rest of the way and started sucking. Since he was long you couldn't take it all in, so you pump the rest of it. You look up at him, you could see the pleasure on his face. It turns you on even, hear him growling and swearing.

"Fuck (S/N)! It feels so fucking good! Better than cutting someone up!" He grabs a fist full of hair, started bobbing your head. Each time making you go deep, till you were choking.

"I-I'm gunna cum." He was about to pull you off. Quickly grab his hand to say no.

"O-okay..." He bobs your head few more times before a salty liquid ran deep your throat.

You had an idea, what would happen if you kept going after his orgasm. You continue going, taking as much in as you could. Making his whole body twitch, even more, hearing his ragged breaths.

"(S-s/N) you c-can stop n-now! Fuck!" It amused you seeing his fail attempts to stop you. You decided to give him a break. With one final suck, you push yourself to get all of him in. You slowly made your way back up, as you got to the tip. Pop!

With a smirk on your face, you wipe away the drool. Look at the hot sweaty mess that was your boyfriend.

"Fucking bitch! You enjoy that too much!" Said in between breaths.

Kill To Stay Alive - Zack x Reader (Angels of Death)Where stories live. Discover now