Dealing With The Urge 🍆

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"Why do I have to wear this suit? I hate it!" Zack pulling at the collar.

"It's not a suit! It's casual dress," I fix up his collar again.

He swats my hand, I glare at him. "Why can't I wear my hoodie?"

Him and that hoodie, I sigh. "You can wear the hoodie, just remember don't kill anyone."

"Don't see why I have to go, they're not my family! I didn't ask for it!"


He walks off grabs his hoodie. "Seriously he's not my Dad."

"If you really don't want to go, we can stay home. We can do something else, head out of town and look for someone to kill." I was upset he didn't want to go, he didn't think of my family as his own.

He smiled, it quickly faded. "We'll go to the family shit."

"It's okay, let me get changed and we'll go."

As I go to walk to the wardrobe, he grabs me pulls me in close. "I said we're going, so we're going. You going to make a lair out of me?"

"Hehe, never. How about this, in a few days we'll go out of town. Lurk around a few alleys and have some fun."

He kisses me, "you really know how to turn me on."

"I know how to do a lot of things to you. You know we can leave the reunion a little earlier. I can show those things." I look him up and down.

"Sounds good," he bites my ear.

"Zack ~"

Insert Ringtone

My phone ringing on the bedside, "that's Ray calling."


"We're probably late," as I go leave he pulls me. "Zack, hehe. I have to answer the phone."


I quickly kiss him, answer. "Hey Ray, we're coming."

"Coming as in, you're coming up or -"

"We'll be up in a second!"

"Okay, no they're not having sex."


"See you soon Big Sister," she hangs up.

"What did the doll say now?"

"She was calling to see if we were having sex. Shouted that we're not having sex..."

"That brat!"

"Let's go before someone comes down." I take his hand and walk out.

As we ride the elevator up, I can hear people talking and music.

"They're... Laughing..." We haven't even made it there yet, he's losing it.

"Zack," I turn him to face me. He starts laughing, fuck me. I pull him in, kiss him roughly.

Zack grabs me, his grip tighten fingers digging into my waist. He backs me into a wall.

"Yous really can't help yourselves, can you?" Hear Lucas laughing.

Zack pulls away and growls, "fuck off." He pulls me past him.

"Nice to see you too Zack. (Y/N) you look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you, Lucas. I'll talk to you soon." Waves heads back to everyone. I look back at Zack, he looks tense. "Zack, what's up?"


"Zack I need you to talk to me. Please tell me what up?"

"They're all laughing, smiling and shit. I'm going to kill them, hahaha. All of them!" He starts laughing.

"I know, I'm here to help."

"You can't help me! This is who I am! I want to kill everyone!" He grabs his face, still laughing.

I hope that we could stay but if Zack sure he's going to kill everyone. Then we're going home. "Let head back home." I take his hand, lead him back to the elevator. "Woah!" I'm pulled into a room, slammed against the wall.

"We're not going home, hahaha."

"Zack?" I'm a little scared.

He kisses me roughly, pushes me against the wall. His hands roam my body, his hand goes up my dress. "You said to kiss you when I had the urge. I want to see their blood on the floor the walls." He gets really close to my ear. "You're the only reason, they're still breathing."

He bites my ear, "ahh ~" He starts massaging my thigh, I wrap my arms around his neck. "Zack don't tease ~"

"Tease? I'll fucking do what I want!" He picks me up, wrap my legs around his waist. He goes back to kissing me, makes his way down my neck bites.

"Zack ~ Please don't!"

"Shut it!" He lifts up my dress, looks down smirks. "G-string, easy for me to," he slips his finger in. "Slip in."

"Ahhh ~"  He curls his finger. "Oh, Zack ~" He continues his assault, look at him see him smirking. His golden eye glistens, with the light from the moon.

"Hahaha, you're a fucking moaner. I love it!"

My phone starts ringing, it's Ray again. I should answer it, oh gawd ~

"You going to answer?"


He takes my phone out of my bra, "answer."

He answers it, puts it on speaker. "Hey, Rayy."

"Where are you? Lucas said Zack took off with you? Are you having sex?"

Zack slips another finger in starts curls. "N-Noo."

"What are you doing?"

"Helping Zack," he stops glares at me. "With his urge... To kill everyone..."

"Oh, so you're giving him a blow job?"

"No..." He starts going slow.

"What are you doing?" Why Ray? "Huh? Oh okay, Dad going to start his speech soon."

"Okay, we won't be longg..."

Zack hangs up, places it in his pocket. "I'll be helping myself all night ~"

He places me back down, I fix myself up. "Do you feel better now?"

"No, I now have a fucking boner!"

"I can fix that later, I promise."

"You better!"

"Hehe, I will."

We walk back out to everyone. Everyone quieted down, thank gawd. We might get through this without anyone dying.

"Nice of yous to finally join us," Lucas looks over to us.

"Ha ha," I sit down. Zack's hand admittedly goes for my leg. His bandages are wet. I look over to him, he's smirking. "Zack take them off!"

"No, I'm keeping them on."

"You're terrible!"

"You love me!"

"That I do."

"Welcome home everyone!" Dad stands up talks, looks over everyone.

Kill To Stay Alive - Zack x Reader (Angels of Death)Where stories live. Discover now