Time to Save Zack! ⛓

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By the time you go back to one of your many safe houses it was 13:30, have a quick shower and blow dry your hair. It was now 13:50, thank gawd you ask Carter to get your ducati ready for you. Now dress, put your draggers in the ducati since you going to prison. So have to take the jewellery that James made for you. One day have to thank him for all the stuff he does for you.

Bid Carter goodbye and let him know when you were coming back. Rode to the prison, only took about 10 minutes. Walk up to the gates wave at the guards, who nodded and buzzed you in. You thank them, continue your way. After going through security checks got the all clear, walk over to the desk.

"Hi Kathy, how are you today?" Lean on the desk.

"Good afternoon (Y/N), the warden busy today. You'll have to come back tomorrow."

"I heard on the news this morning that there was going to be an execution today. It would really help with my studies."

"(Y/N) you're a smart, beautiful young girl and you don't need to see something like that. What's a girl like you studying criminal mind anyway?"

"I find it interesting I want to know why they do the things they do." 'To learn from other people's mistake mostly.'

"The warden just got back from lunch, might be able to catch him in his office."

"Thank you, Kathy!"

"Don't blame me if you get nightmares!"

You took your pass off of Kathy made your way to the Warden's office. Arriving at the office you look in see that there were a few people in there already.

'This sucks, though she said he came back from lunch? What's the go? Oh well.'

"Knock knock?"

"Oh Miss (Y/N), what are you doing here? I wasn't excepting you?" He stands up from his desk makes his way to the door.

"Hello Warden, I heard on the news this morning that there was going to be an execution today. I was wondering if I could watch? You know for my criminal mind studies. Please?"

"I'm sorry Miss (Y/N), it's too late. The execution will start at 16:30 and it's already 14:30."

"Excuse me Warden who's the young lady?" A priest walks up to them.

"Hello Father, my name is (Y/N). I'm writing a book about criminal minds and how they work. Thought it would be good to watch an execution." 'It would be better if it wasn't Zack being executed! I hate the priest as much as I hate liars!'

"That is interesting, a young lady such as yourself writing a book about vile people."

"I find it interesting how people can do such things..." 'I already don't like you and I've only just meant you...'

The warden could see the disgust on your face. "If you gentlemen could excuse me for a moment?"

"Yes certainly, we still have other matters to attend too."

Everyone rise and file out the door, just leaving you and the warden. Warden step to the side to allow you in, close the door behind you.

"(Y/N) what are you doing here? You can't just come here unannounced?! Why on earth do you want to watch today's execution for? Are you even writing a book?"

"Look I know! Like I said I saw on the news this morning, I want to be there to watch. Yes, I am writing a book, it's just taking a while to write..." 'To watch make sure everything goes to plan, and the book going slow very slow...'

"It's too late, you have to be a screen, interview the whole lot. Won't have enough time to do it."

"Come on Warden I come here every month! I've been screen and interview before shouldn't that count?"

Warden rubs his tired eyes, "it's not the same (Y/N) okay? Why are you so determined to be there? He's just a serial killer. Does your father even know your here?"

Silence falls in the office as you look away from his eyes.

"Geez (Y/N) really? Your father doesn't know!" Flops down into his chair, looks up to the clock.

"It's 15:00 go home and you can watch it on the news tonight. Go before you get us both in trouble."

"I'm not leaving till I get a seat at the execution! I don't care if my father finds out!" 'I'm in deep shit already, why does it matter if it gets worse. I should have already reported back by now.'

"I told you can't, it's too late. Go home!"

"NO! I'm staying right here!" You pout look the other way. 'Fuck now I have to think of a new plan.'

The phone Warden picks it up.
"Hello, Warden Taylor speaking.
Yep, uh huh.
No no everything in place.
Yes, Father will read him is last pray.
Correct. I'll make sure of it."
Hangs up the phone.

"Fine stay here, don't do anything wreckless okay. Don't need any more trouble. Great, it's already 15:30, I stuff to do before the execution. I have to go." Picks up his hat and leave you alone in the office.

'FUCK FUCK! I have an hour now to figure out what to do. I can't get in the execution room. Think (Y/N) think!'

You palm your forehead trying to think of a plan. Nothing comes to mind, well no good ideas at least.

'Could start a brawl somehow? I might postpone the execution gives me more time? No no, won't work. Could hack into their security system, and deactivate/malfunction the lethal injection system? What's the time? 16:00. It'll be cutting it close but maybe...' You thoughts are cut short by alarms going off.

"What the fuck?!" Stand up make your way to door peek outside.

The warden shoves you back into the room. "Stay in here and get under the desk! NOW!"

"Why what's going on? What happen?"

"It's Isaac Foster he's escaping! Now hurry up!"

You quickly make your way to the desk, get underneath. The slight bit of hope that Zack going to make it out of here... Alive!

Kill To Stay Alive - Zack x Reader (Angels of Death)Where stories live. Discover now