Back to Your Apartment 😢

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After about 5 minutes running around James' office, he runs out trying to make an escape.

"What's wrong James? Don't you want to look at my scythe some more?" As you run past your father grabs it, taking it off you.

"That's quite enough you pair. (Y/N) you have friends now go. We'll talk about your punishment tomorrow."

"Punishment? For what? And what about James? He's been going into my apartment, touching my stuff and spying on me!"

James looks at you, wondering how you found out. "I was making sure you were okay!"

"Enough I said! You are young adults but yet you still act like children. By this rate I'll won't get to retire unless I die. (Y/N) you can get James back tomorrow."

"Yes suck it, bitch! Maybe you'll learn not to touch my stuff!"

"What? Why? Isn't destroy my office enough punishment?"

"I told you to pray to whatever god you believe in. Now goodnight children. Oh and welcome Zack and Rachel." He waves the four off walked back to his office.

"Have fun cleaning dear James ~" walk over to Zack and Ray.

"Fuck you, bitch!" Mumbles back.

"You wish you could ~" stick your tongue out at him.

"So would you guys like dinner?" Smile at them warmly.

Both Zack and Ray stomach grumbles at the sound of food.

"I'll take that as a yes, come on my apartment a few floors up." Press the button to go up.

Once the doors open the three of you walk in. Silences fall in the elevator... No one daring to start a conversation. Till Ray spoke up.

"So umm (Y/N) was it?"

"Yes, that's it, and Rachel?"

"You can call me Ray. So how do you know Zack?"

You look to Zack, guessing he never told her about you. "Well, we met at the orphanage, when Zack's mother left him. I was already there for a few months."

"I see... So your parents left you there too?"

You were getting fidgety, again you never told anyone this other than Zack. "No my mother left me there, while my father was away. Guess my father never wanted me cause he never came looking for me."


You give her a small smile, Ray just stares back at you with her blank expression. Thankfully the elevator stops and the doors open.

"My apartment down the hall." You walk out leading them the way.

"What do you guys want to have? I was going to have steak, eggs and chips. I'm happy to cook something else."

"That sounds good. What do you think Zack? Zack?"

You both turn around to see Zack had stopped.

"I... I thought you died! I thought they killed you!" Hands balled into a fist.

"Zack..." Your shoulders drop, slowly walked up to Zack gentle put your hand on his.

"They sent photos and the piece of your hair! The photos... You were dead!"

"Zack those photos were fake. I... They try to touch me. And well I attack them... Yes, they knock me out but not all of it was my blood. Guess they cut my hair as some sort of proof? But I'm alive because of you. I wanted to see you again." Gentle rub circles on his hand with your thumb. "Come on cry baby lets go get something to eat." You tug on his hand to start walking.

"I'm not a cry baby! You are!" He mumbles.

"Whatever." You chuckle and pull your card out of your pocket.

You open your apartment door turn on the lights. Walking into the kitchen setting your card on the bench.

"So umm welcome this is my apartment. I can give you guys a tour and then I'll start dinner."

"Sure," Ray walks to your side grabs your hand.

Slightly taken back, you hardly know this girl. Yet she's holding your hand, isn't she Zack's girlfriend?

"So this is the lounge room, kitchen and dining room obviously, haha. Turn right is the bedrooms. Ummm, Ray, you can sleep in this one. Zack, you can sleep in the one across the hall from Ray's." 'See if they ask to sleep together.'

"Where's your room?" Zack asks.

"Oh, mines at the end of the hall. So all the bedrooms have their own bathrooms. If you want to have a shower before dinner. Down this way is my little office, weapons room and a bathroom." You lead them to the other side of the apartment.

"That's it for the tour. So how do you like your meat?"

"Umm cooked?" Zack looks at you confused? You did say you could cook?

"I mean like medium rare, fully cook."

"Fully cooked, please. Do you have other clothes for me to wear?"

"Oh yes, I'll show you this way." Lead her back to her room. Both disappear into the room showing Ray the clothes.

Zack looks around the apartment, sees photos of you when you were little and some when you are a teenager to now. Pick one up it was you wearing a stunning dress.

"It was Father's 50th, he wanted me to wear something nice

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"It was Father's 50th, he wanted me to wear something nice." You look at the photo remembering the night.

"You look beautiful..." He says just above a whisper, hoping you wouldn't hear.

"Thank you," light pink dust your cheeks.

Changing the topic he puts the photo back, and coughs. "Where's Ray?"

"She's having a shower, washing the blood off. There are spare clothes in your room too. If you want a quick shower I can show you where." Your head turns still trying to hide your blush.

"Yeah sure..." Both walk off to his room, show him where the spare clothes are. Leave to make a start on dinner. Just before you leave he stops you, by grabbing your hand.

You look to him, "what's wrong?"

"You said you had fresh bandages? Well, I'll need some."

"Sure I'll just go grab them for you." Flash him with your bright smile, and walk out to get them.

Zack brings a hand to his face, 'why does she keep smiling? Fuck! My stomach feels weird. What the fuck wrong with me?!'

You walk back in, disturbing him from his thoughts. You place the fresh bandage on the bed, "is there anything else you need or want before I start?"

"No, I'm good. What do you have?" You stare blankly at him. "Your meat how do have it?"

"Oh, I have medium rare."

"Can I have that?" Asks looks away.

"Yeah sure, dinner won't be too long." Leave to make dinner.

"Fuck me!" He takes new clothes and bandages goes for a shower.

Kill To Stay Alive - Zack x Reader (Angels of Death)Where stories live. Discover now