Zack and Ray 🔪🔫

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"Okay, I'm set. Says Timothy will be leaving work about noon gives me plenty of time to kill him and make my way to Zack. It's 0900 now, better get going." You leave and make your way down to the garage.

James was typing madly at his computer, digging up as much information on Zack as he can. News reports, police reports, anything he can hack his way into. After finding as much information as he can, picks up the phone and calls The Boss.

"Hey Boss, you might what to come in and see this."

"On my way." Boss hangs up and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Girl, what the fuck happened to you? What's this kid Isaac got to do with you?"
He walks down the halls, knocks on the door and walks in. James looks up from his screens and shakes his head.

"And you go off at (Y/N) for not waiting, haha."

"Do you want my way office or not?"

He coughs and looks back at his screens. "Right... So here's all I've found so far on Isaac Foster. So he was abandoned at an illegal run-down orphanage, run by a couple. Who he later killed, by stabbing them in their sleep. It says here he has a condition called anisocoria which is where the eyes are unequally dilated. Which may have been caused by the abuse he received from the caretakers. Also has heterochromia iridium two different colour eyes, left eye is yellow and right is brown. His whole body is covered in bandages, due to being burnt as a child.
After killing the caretakers, it's believed he went on killing. Years later his killings became well known and making him a wanted serial killer and criminal. His most recent one is killing husband and wife Mr and Mrs Gardner and kidnapping their 13-year-old daughter Rachel Gardner. But the killing of the Mr and Mrs Gardner doesn't fit his MO." He pauses and thinks.

"Hmmm... That does sound odd... Pull up the police report for the Gardners." The Boss reads the reports and the coroner's reports. "Says here the bodies stitched together, a toy arm was sewn on to Mr Gardner?"

"Twisted right? Also, he was a police officer. A history with alcohol and strip joins. And the wife was found to have multiple bruises over her body. So he wasn't the husband of the year. Hate to imagine what their daughter went through, to be so fucked up." James leans back in his chair.

"So the cops pin the blame on this Isaac to cover up a bastard of a cop. Label him a kidnapper cause he walks out of a building with the girl unconscious."

"Don't forget the building was on fire!"

Boss just rolls his eyes. "Says here the girl was found playing next to her dead parents with a dead puppy? She was in an orphanage where she killed another puppy that went to the institution. Her doctor at the time was a Dr Daniel Dickens, he was her therapist."

"What's the deal with orphanages? Glad I didn't grow up in one."

"Yes, you grew up in a happy home, good grades and could have even gone to college for computer science. But instead, you rather be a hacker."

"Your point?"

"Doesn't matter where you grew up, everyone has light and dark in them. It's up to that person as to which side they act upon."

"Hmmm... Unlike (Y/N) she chooses both, killing rapists, sex traffickers, child traffickers, and anyone that will harm a child. Whatever children or people she saves she relocates. Mind you cost us a fortune!"

"Yes, it does cost us but at least we have allies when we need them."

"You let her do whatever she wants!"

"Don't I let you do the same thing? You hack into whatever you want. Transfer funds out of offshore accounts. Might I mention hacking into security cameras and watching (Y/N) when she's not in the building?" With a sly smirk on his face.

James' face turns five shades red, being caught out. "B-But Boss-s."

"I may be an old man but I still have a keen mind. If I had this stuff when I was your age. Hate to see what would have happened to the girls I was chasing. I would have a lot fewer enemies now."

"Sorry Boss..."

"Don't say sorry to me. Pray to whatever God or Goddess you believe in and hope she never finds out. I'm going back to my office, find out more information about the two and where they are. I want to know everything about them."

"Yes, Boss. But what about (Y/N)?"

"She has a job to do first, we'll go from there. She's a resourceful girl, otherwise, she would have died by now or worst."


Kill To Stay Alive - Zack x Reader (Angels of Death)Where stories live. Discover now