The Butcher 🔪🩸

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With you all dressed, you make your way to The Boss's office. Not knowing whether The Butcher showed up early you knocked and waited for an answer.

"Come in." You heard The Boss call.
You all walked in, Zack and Ray sitting in the leather chairs and you on the edge of the deck.

"Don't you all look professional," he smiles.

"So what's the deal? Why do you want Zack and Ray here for the meeting?" You inquire.

"Well since they will be living with us now, they'll have to work to earn their keep. I know that sounds rude, but everyone has to work. Since they are on the run they can work in the building for now."

"What?! We're fucking stuck in this building. We just escape out the last one!" Zack slams his hands onto the desk. "There's no fucking way I'll be stuck in here for the rest of my life! Ray, we're leaving!"


"You will be found and kill in an hour and Rachel will be back in the institution," James says.

Zack fires back, "I'll kill anyone that try's!"

You heart drop, you didn't want him or Ray to be stuck in this building for the rest of their life. You wanted to live with him and Ray for the rest of your lives. You stand ready to follow after them, you lost Zack once and you won't be losing him again.

Your father sees you silently giving up everything just for this man. Clears his throat, "you won't be stuck in the building for long. Just until the manhunt is over."

Zack turns ready to talk back to the old man, sees you walking towards them. Confused as to why you were, were you trying to stop them from leaving?

He growls, "what's the job?" Walks back fall back into the chair. As does Ray sits back down. This time you're standing between the two chairs.

"This meeting will be your first assignment. You both will assign (Y/N) as guard woman and man, for James and I. As James has to learn the ropes of the business, you will learn to guard. You both already know how to kill, so this shouldn't be too hard."

"You say it's not too hard. But you haven't even told them who The Butcher is!"

"This is your lesson, you have to give them the information they need on The Butcher."

"Of course!" You throw your hand in the air. Go to grab the file on The Butcher from the file room. Walk back in and lean on the desk.

"sigh okay...
Name: Kenneth Jubb aka The Butcher
D.O.B: 1945 Age: 50
Lived: Michigan
Previously Work: In the Army did countless tours. Upon return was discharged due to violence. Sending a follow solider to the infirmary.
Present Work: At a small butcher on the corner of fifth and sixth street. Open 8:00 - 6:00 Monday - Friday. On weekends he leaves the city and kills complete strangers. No tires, no links to the victim's nothing."

"So what's the problem?" Zack questions.

"I have no clue that's 'THE BOSS'S' job! Cause I don't know why we're having the meeting!!" You were clearly annoyed. You had no idea why they were even there. You didn't even know he was coming in today.

"The Butcher killed a contact of ours... Jordon Strokes... We need compensation for his to loss..."

"What sort of compensation?" Ray asks

"Most times its money if one of our people have a family we send it to them," James speaks up rather calm.

"I know Jordon was good at his job. It's unfortunate that The Butcher killed him. We'll get our compensation and move on." Boss clearly stated.

"Whatever... Anyway, The Butcher is highly dangerous, so be on your toes and watch his every move." Gave a word of caution. As Ray ran through the last lot of information, and where to stand. Finally, The Boss gave Zack and Ray each a weapon. Two FN Herstal FNP-9 for Ray and Zack your scythe, you were more than happy to give him. You and James we're on the left side of the Boss and Zack, Ray on the right. And a few guards standing just outside the door.

With that, there was a knock on the door. Boss calls for them to entry, an older man dress in a well fitted black suit, with his own four bodyguards walk in after him.

"Well good morning Boss, how are we on this fine morning? I see you have new members, the infamous Isaac Foster and the beautiful little Rachel Gardner. I heard you kids had left town." Spoke with a devilishly smile.

Only made Zack want to kill him. Ray gave him little touch on his hand, stop him.

"Good morning Mister Jubb. I'm quite well thank you. And yes both Mister Foster and Miss Gardner are our newest members. Who Miss (Y/N) here will be there Mistress."

"Oh I see, congratulations Miss (Y/N) on your promotion." He gave a half heartily clap.

"Thank you, Mister Jubb." It was painful to say. You didn't want to be their mistress.

"So what's the pleasure of this meeting for today? Would you like some of my fine meats?" Cocky smile.

"No not today, thank you. I've called this meeting you have killed one of our contacts. Jordon Strokes the previous weekend."

"Oh, I did? I give you my humble apologies. When is the funeral so I can give my condolences to the family?"

It made your blood boil at how sick he is. He kills a man then wants to give the grieving family his condolences. You couldn't help but hiss at him turning your head away. It didn't go unnoticed, The Butcher smirking.

"No that's quite alright, thank you. The family is having a family and close friends only. All I ask is compensation for the family that is it."

"Compensation? I wasn't aware that he was one of your men. You should be the one paying the compensation not me."

"You are aware of who my men are, as I am of yours."

"Than he must be new otherwise I would of remember him"

"I hope you're not lying Mr Jubb..."

"And why would I lay my dear (Y/N)"

"Jordan was with us for five years. And within that time Jordan had required information on your request." It was hard to keep your composure.

"Oh that Jordan..."

"Mistress is right. And I still have said information that he required. So this was no simple accident, Mr Jubb." James spoke claimly.

"Are you implying that I purposely killed the boy?"

'HE WAS NOT A BOY! HE WAS A MAN! YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF SHIT!' You were just about to lose it, till the Boss spoke.

"If you did purposely killed Mr Stroke would you admit it? I don't believe so. I suggest you pay $600,000 in compensation and we leave it at that." Boss knitted his fingers back and relaxed in his chair.

Your fist balled up, your nails digging into your palms. You could feel nails piercing your palms, causing them to bleed.
The Butcher appears to ponder, he kitted his own finger, "I will pay the amount. You'll have your money by the end of the week."

"I'm glad you agree. Transfer money into the normal account it'll be fine."

"Yes, I shall. Are you sure I can't interest you in any of my fine meats?"

"I'm sure, thank you. I'll have my men show you out. Next time let's meet under better terms shall we."

"Oh well, can't say I didn't try. But yes I agree, let's have sherry or two next time." Both older men stood and shook hands.

"Yes, I agree, until next time."

"Till next time."

James spoke up, "I'll see you out as well Mister Jubb."

"Why thank you, Mr James."

The Butcher, his men and James walk out into the elevator. Boss turn around walked over to one of the cabinets, pulled out a first aid kit.

Kill To Stay Alive - Zack x Reader (Angels of Death)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora