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Herb POV
"I swear I ain't had a break in a longggg time yo..this sh*t is crazy." I said to Bibby . I went back to my place with Leilani cuz Jayda had to work and Maya left with her friends so nobody was there to watch her.

I ain't been to my place in a minute so I just took her back there with me. This her first time even being there since she was born. That's how long it's been.

She was watching tv while I was in the other room with Bibby smoking.
"Shiid I understand mane. You been grinding with the music and now you got a kid to worry about and a girl to give yo attention to. That sh*t tough."
"For real! And Jayda can get clingy when she on her period so I be needing  my time."
"I feel you."
I heard a loud thump and a shatter then I heard Leilani crying and screaming.
-At the hospital
I was sitting in the chair and I knew Jayda was gon whoop my a**!  Leilani was playing in the other room and I guess she knocked into the tv stand and The tv fell and broke and fell onto her. Thank God she ain't get knocked out cold..
Tiara was sitting on the side with Maya and we was waiting on Jayda to show up & when she finally did I was nervous...

She ran up to Leilani in the bed with tears in her eyes "oh! My baby..." then turned to look at me and ran up to me and slapped the sh*t outta me.
"You wasn't watching her?!"
"Herb what the f*ck?! I trusted you to watch our daughter and yo high a** couldn't even do that?! WOW !"
The nurse came in and walked over to Jayda
"Ma'am I'm gonna need you to be a little bit more quiet."
"B*tch don't tell me to be quiet !!" Tiara walked over to Jayda and got in the middle of her and the nurse "I'm so sorry..she'll calm down." Tiara said
Jayda took a deep breath and sat down in the chair beside me. She ain't talk to me the rest of time we was at the hospital. When it was time to go she got Leilani and took her back to her place.. I know I messed up for sure .

R ide for you D ie for you Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ